HNFAS Faculty

Yang, Jinzeng
Professor & Chair  

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Phone:  (808) 956-6073
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Molecular biology, animal biotechnology, transgenic animals, genetics, gene regulation, muscle biology, lactation physiology, mammary gland biology
Butel, Jean (Jeannie)
Assistant Specialist - Community Nutrition  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7069
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Banna, Jinan
Professor in Human Nutrition  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7857
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Nutrition Education, Community Nutrition
Bustamante, Yunuen
Assistant Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 453-6051
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Cacpal, Kristina
Junior Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 567-6929
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Farm to School
Dela Cruz, Rica Ann
Data Manager  

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Phone:  (808) 649-0847
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Esquivel, Monica
Associate Professor and Dietetics Program Director  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8691
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, community based participatory nutrition, child health promotion, food and nutrition security
Hackney, Lara

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Phone:  (808) 956-3837
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

He, Yanghua
Assistant Professor - Genomics and Epigenomics  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7090
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

1. Benchwork: Sequencing platforms: Illumina HiSeq; Mi-seq; 10*Genomics; Nanopore sequencing. Library constructions for sequencing: DNA-seq; RNA-seq; ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN; MBD-seq; MeDIP-seq; WGBS; RRBS; Bisulfite cloning sequencing; pyrosequencing; HiC; PLAC-seq; ATAC-seq. CRISPR-based technologies (Genome-editing and Epigenome-editing). sgRNA Library Screening. 2. Data analysis: Bioinformatics in Genetic and Epigenetic data analysis; Galaxy platform; Linux Operating System; Computational languages: Perl, Python, R, Matlab, SAS, C++
Ho, Kacie
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8286
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Jha, Rajesh
Professor and Graduate Chair of Animal Sciences  

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Phone:  (808) 956-4122
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Monogastric Animal Nutrition, Gut Health and Physiology, Feed and Feed Additive Evaluation
Jun, Soojin

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Phone:  (808) 956-8283
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food Engineering, Food Processing, Food preservation, Biosensing
Kim, Yong-Soo

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Phone:  (808) 956-8335
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Growth physiology; muscle biology ; meat science: Cattle-ProductionSwine-Production-all aspectsCattle-PostharvestSwine-Postharvest
Lee, Cheng Sheng
Researcher and Exec Dir Ctr for Trop & Subtrop Ag  

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Phone:  (808) 956-3385
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Reproduction control in marine finfish and marine shrimp; Early life history of fish and shrimp; Ecology of live feed organisms; and Aquaculture Management in general.
Lee, Mi-Jeong
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-9565
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Li, Yong

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Phone:  (808) 956-6408
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food Microbiology, Food Safety
Mishra, Birendra
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7021
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals and Poultry, Environmental stress on reproduction, Transcriptional regulation of egg formation in the laying hens, nutritional programming to increase the reproductive efficiencies.
Morgan Bernal, Lydi
Jr Extn Agent - Oahu Farm to School  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7095
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Farm-to-School, school gardens, teacher professional development, coalition building
Nakamoto, Stuart T
Extension Economist/Spec  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8125
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Agribusiness marketing/adding value (marketing of Specialty crops and products), agribusiness management, agribusiness economics, risk management, tea, blueberries
Novotny, Rachel

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Phone:  (808) 956-3848
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Community and global nutrition; Maternal and child nutrition; Public health nutrition; Field assessment of nutrition status
Oshiro, Melelani
Assistant Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 322-0165
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Small ruminant support and livestock
Reichhardt, Caleb Case
Assistant Professor - Livestock Animal Production  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7691
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Ruminant Livestock Management, Production, and Muscle Biology.
Seale, Andre P.

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Phone:  (808) 956-8961
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Comparative endocrinology, fish physiology, cell and molecular biology, signal transduction, aquaculture.
Thorne, Mark

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Phone:  (808) 887-7625
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Grazing management and beef cattle support
Yang, Zhi
Assistant Professor in Food Chemistry  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7411
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food biopolymers, Rheology, Non-thermal processing, food microstructures
Gold Author 10 August 2023

Gold Author

HNFAS prof is recognized by JNEB

Congrats to Jinan Banna of the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. Jinan was recognized by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior for authoring or co-authoring 8 to 10 papers over the past 10 years.

Heat and Salt 12 May 2023

Heat and Salt

HNFAS faculty, students continue to study fish transcription factors

How do fish cope with changes in water temperature and salinity when they are literally bathed in those stressors? That question was answered just a few years ago by researchers in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, who discovered that fish mediate heat stress and salinity acclimation via the hormone prolactin.

Health on the Go 12 May 2023

Health on the Go

Postdoc Chloe Lozano receives fellowship to expand health tracking app

Health education has reached new levels of accessibility. Former PhD student in Human Nutrition, Chloe Lozano, was recently awarded a two-year, $225K USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Chloe is working toward personalizing the health app PortionSize Ed, originally created in Louisiana, for youth in Hawai’i. The app tracks food and calorie intake specific to individuals and includes educational videos.

High Blood Pressure? 12 May 2023

High Blood Pressure?

Participate in a research study and get a $20 gift card

If you are an adult with high blood pressure, consider participating in a new research study, “Development and validation of a novel tool to assess sodium intake for heart disease prevention in a multiethnic population,” by the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences. Current salt consumption is the major risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and accurate measurement of dietary sodium intake is an important part of developing dietary interventions for hypertension and CVD risk, explains PhD student Leah Kaplan.

Outstanding Undergraduate Student 29 March 2023

Outstanding Undergraduate Student

The Ka Hana Poʻokela Award goes to Kasey Purcell

Currently in her last semester at CTAHR, Kasey Purcell is an undergraduate student in the Dietetics program. In almost four years here, she has served as a CTAHR student ambassador for three of them, now serving as the organization’s president. Whether in her work, academics, or volunteering, Kasey is quick to take on a leadership role when she is called upon to step up to the plate, and takes on challenges and responsibilities beyond what is expected of a student.

A Sea of Possibilities 17 March 2023

A Sea of Possibilities

CTSA newsletter discusses the future of aquaculture

“I recently joined researchers from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa to visit several aquaculture firms on the island of Hawaii. Every company we visited expressed the same serious challenge: recruiting skilled workers in and to Hawai’i,” writes CTSA executive director Dr. Cheng-Sheng Lee

Sick Whales and Dolphins 28 February 2023

Sick Whales and Dolphins

HNFAS researchers discover a virus in 10 species

A novel virus, potentially fatal to whales and dolphins, has been discovered by researchers in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences. Prior to its discovery in 10 whale and dolphin host species across the Pacific, the virus was found in only a single marine mammal worldwide.

Present! 10 February 2023


CTAHR attends the signing of Hawai‘i One Health Month

Jenee Odani and Julie Bennington, CTAHR’s pre-veterinary experts in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences, were on hand to witness and celebrate Gov. Greenʻs signing ceremony declaring January as “Hawai‘i One Health Month.”

Aquaculture Development 30 January 2023

Aquaculture Development

CTSA releases its latest Project Impacts pub

The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture has released its latest Project Impacts publication to highlight the accomplishments of the CTSA and its funded projects. This eye-catching booklet serves as an update to Project Impacts released a decade ago, and focuses on the impact of CTSA projects since 2013.

Best Paper Award, Part Two! 9 January 2023

Best Paper Award, Part Two!

HNFAS is recognized by animal science journals

Congrats to Rajesh Jha and his team in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences for not one but TWO papers recognized this year! The Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology recently announced its 2022 Best Paper Award would be bestowed on Rajesh. Earlier this year, the journal Animals awarded his lab the 2022 Best Paper Award.


HNFAS Department

1955 East West Road
AgSci 216

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-7095

fax: 808-956-4024


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