HNFAS Faculty

Yang, Jinzeng
Professor & Chair  

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Phone:  (808) 956-6073
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Molecular biology, animal biotechnology, transgenic animals, genetics, gene regulation, muscle biology, lactation physiology, mammary gland biology
Butel, Jean (Jeannie)
Assistant Specialist - Community Nutrition  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7069
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Banna, Jinan
Professor in Human Nutrition  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7857
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Nutrition Education, Community Nutrition
Bustamante, Yunuen
Assistant Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 453-6051
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Cacpal, Kristina
Junior Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 567-6929
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Farm to School
Dela Cruz, Rica Ann
Data Manager  

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Phone:  (808) 649-0847
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Esquivel, Monica
Associate Professor and Dietetics Program Director  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8691
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, community based participatory nutrition, child health promotion, food and nutrition security
Hackney, Lara

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Phone:  (808) 956-3837
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

He, Yanghua
Assistant Professor - Genomics and Epigenomics  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7090
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

1. Benchwork: Sequencing platforms: Illumina HiSeq; Mi-seq; 10*Genomics; Nanopore sequencing. Library constructions for sequencing: DNA-seq; RNA-seq; ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN; MBD-seq; MeDIP-seq; WGBS; RRBS; Bisulfite cloning sequencing; pyrosequencing; HiC; PLAC-seq; ATAC-seq. CRISPR-based technologies (Genome-editing and Epigenome-editing). sgRNA Library Screening. 2. Data analysis: Bioinformatics in Genetic and Epigenetic data analysis; Galaxy platform; Linux Operating System; Computational languages: Perl, Python, R, Matlab, SAS, C++
Ho, Kacie
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8286
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Jha, Rajesh
Professor and Graduate Chair of Animal Sciences  

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Phone:  (808) 956-4122
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Monogastric Animal Nutrition, Gut Health and Physiology, Feed and Feed Additive Evaluation
Jun, Soojin

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Phone:  (808) 956-8283
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food Engineering, Food Processing, Food preservation, Biosensing
Kim, Yong-Soo

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Phone:  (808) 956-8335
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Growth physiology; muscle biology ; meat science: Cattle-ProductionSwine-Production-all aspectsCattle-PostharvestSwine-Postharvest
Lee, Cheng Sheng
Researcher and Exec Dir Ctr for Trop & Subtrop Ag  

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Phone:  (808) 956-3385
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Reproduction control in marine finfish and marine shrimp; Early life history of fish and shrimp; Ecology of live feed organisms; and Aquaculture Management in general.
Lee, Mi-Jeong
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-9565
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Li, Yong

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Phone:  (808) 956-6408
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food Microbiology, Food Safety
Mishra, Birendra
Associate Professor  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7021
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals and Poultry, Environmental stress on reproduction, Transcriptional regulation of egg formation in the laying hens, nutritional programming to increase the reproductive efficiencies.
Morgan Bernal, Lydi
Jr Extn Agent - Oahu Farm to School  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7095
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Farm-to-School, school gardens, teacher professional development, coalition building
Nakamoto, Stuart T
Extension Economist/Spec  

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Phone:  (808) 956-8125
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Agribusiness marketing/adding value (marketing of Specialty crops and products), agribusiness management, agribusiness economics, risk management, tea, blueberries
Novotny, Rachel

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Phone:  (808) 956-3848
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Community and global nutrition; Maternal and child nutrition; Public health nutrition; Field assessment of nutrition status
Oshiro, Melelani
Assistant Extension Agent  

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Phone:  (808) 322-0165
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Livestock production and husbandry, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training, small ruminant production.
Reichhardt, Caleb Case
Assistant Professor - Livestock Animal Production  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7691
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Ruminant Livestock Management, Production, and Muscle Biology.
Seale, Andre P.

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Phone:  (808) 956-8961
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Comparative endocrinology, fish physiology, cell and molecular biology, signal transduction, aquaculture.
Thorne, Mark

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Phone:  (808) 887-7625
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Grazing management and beef cattle support
Yang, Zhi
Assistant Professor in Food Chemistry  

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Phone:  (808) 956-7411
Special Skills and Knowledge:  

Food biopolymers, Rheology, Non-thermal processing, food microstructures
The Science of Food 9 December 2022

The Science of Food

HNFAS will use NIFA grant to support underrepresented grad students

Native Hawaiians are disproportionately affected by food insecurity and other issues in the food system. Yet, they and other indigenous people are underrepresented in the food science workforce. And just when the need for such expertise is increasing, there will be a predicted shortfall of graduates.

Aquaculture Alternatives 9 December 2022

Aquaculture Alternatives

Dr. Lee updates readers on recent CTSA successes

Exciting is an understatement for the news in Dr. Cheng-Sheng Lee’s recent letter. He began by expressing his gratitude for the staff and those who support the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture (CTSA).

Global Interest 18 November 2022

Global Interest

HNFAS Extension is recognized by NIFA

Congrats to Mark Thorne on a Partnership Award for Multistate Efforts! His National Connections Teams for Forest & Rangeland Resources team was recognized by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture for developing the web-based conference series, “Strengthening RREA programing Through Enhanced Connections.”

Coordinated Prevention 18 November 2022

Coordinated Prevention

HNFAS prof presents at Ag Conf

Jinan Banna is passionate about shifting the focus of our healthcare system to prevention rather than the treatment of health conditions. On this topic, she presented a poster at the Hawaiʻi Agriculture Conference, “Mapping community assets to establish a local coordinated system of care to prevent childhood obesity.”

Growing Jack 3 November 2022

Growing Jack

HNFAS partners with Hawai‘i Sea Grant, HPU to improve local aquaculture

The longfin yellowtails, or Almaco Jack, and locally known as kampachi, are among the most valuable finfish groups for offshore aquaculture development. Yet, they are notoriously difficult to rear and harvest on a large commercial scale. At the same time, despite the shrimp industry’s massive volume – and the U.S. being a leader in shrimp genetics research – programs on genetic improvement have given little attention to shrimp egg and larvae production.

Beyond Lunch 14 October 2022

Beyond Lunch

HNFAS partners with Ulu Cooperative to expand Farm to School

If you want keiki to understand the farm-to-plate concept, why not go straight to their stomachs? At schools across the pae 'aina, a new partnership known as the “Hoʻopili ʻAi Campaign – Uniting Keiki & Hawaiʻi Food Crops” is introducing K-5 students to Hawaiʻi-grown foods like kalo (taro), ʻulu (breadfruit), and ʻuala (sweet potato). Each classroom is given a box containing education materials and 25 individual pre-packaged produce for students and families to try at home.

CTSA in Kona 14 October 2022

CTSA in Kona

Aquaculturists see potential in grouper cultivation

This past summer, Cheng-Sheng Lee, Executive Director of the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture, had the opportunity to see the progression of the Nenue project in Kona. With increasing unification in projects, he and Ocean Era President, Neil Sims, were able to discuss the possibilities and hopes for the future of aquaculture in Hawai’i.

More Males, Please 5 October 2022

More Males, Please

HNFAS studies how hormones regulate sex-dependent size

Size matters in commercial fish production. Species such as tilapia are known to exhibit sexual dimorphism, or sex-specific differences in body size, with males outgrowing females. As can be expected, tilapia producers have long employed a variety of approaches to favor all-male production.

In the Journals 2 August 2022

In the Journals

Rajesh Jha of HNFAS connects with prestigious publications

The journal Animals has awarded its 2022 Best Paper to Rajesh Jha and his grad students Razib Das, Sophia Oak, and Pravin Mishra, all of the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. Congrats! Their paper, “Probiotics (Direct-fed microbials) in poultry nutrition and their effects on nutrient utilization, growth and laying performance, and gut health: A systematic review,” explores their alternative to the poultry industry’s routine practice of administering in-feed antibiotics to promote growth and manage gut microbiota. A growing understanding of the environmental and human health consequences of antibiotic overuse in livestock production has led to banning or regulating antibiotics as feed additives.

Culture Club 22 June 2022

Culture Club

HNFAS studies environmental changes’ effect on traditional fishponds

Sea cucumbers are a high-value commercial food, and the demand for local seafood is rising. But so are extreme climatic events that can rapidly change water conditions, especially in coastal environments that include the traditional Hawaiian fishponds where sea cucumbers are grown and harvested.


HNFAS Department

1955 East West Road
AgSci 216

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-7095

fax: 808-956-4024


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