

Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences



Monica Esquivel, PhD, RDN, CSSD
Dietetics Program Director

Agricultural Sciences 314L
1955 East West Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

p:  (808) 956-8691
f:  (808) 956-4024

Dietetics (BS)

OVERVIEW The Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences (HNFAS) is the only dietetics program offered in the State of Hawai'i.  Students are expected to rigorously apply their knowledge and skills in food science and nutrition for daily living and good health. Upon successful completion of the DPD program, students will earn a Bachelor's of Science (BS) degree in Dietetics. Students majoring in dietetics may earn a DPD Verification Statement (which is required to apply for a dietetic internship and registered dietitian exam).

The BS in Dietetics admits students who have earned a minimum of 60 credits, possess a minimum 3.0 GPA, and have completed required prerequisite courses (see Admission to the Major below). Prior to transferring into the BS in Dietetics, students should declare their major in one of the Food Science Human Nutrition (FSHN) degree programs.


The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Didactic Program in Dietetics, which includes the undergraduate degree in Dietetics (BS) and the Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway, is accredited through the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). The program has been fully accredited since July 1, 1976.  After the 2011 review, the program was granted a reaffirmation until June 30, 2019. The program’s accreditation term was extended until June 30, 2023 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   

120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995, (312)899-0040 ext. 5400

Timeline for reaccreditation of the UHM DPD and ISPP:

2011: UHM DPD was reaccredited by ACEND
Jan 2022: Self-study Report will be submitted to ACEND
April 24-26, 2022: ACEND Team site visit at the UH at Manoa campus

Dietetics Info Sessions Fall 2022 (540 × 960 px)

About Our Program


Program Mission

The Dietetics program mission is to provide the foundation knowledge and skills in dietetics for successful preparation of students for supervised practice leading to eligibility for the CDR credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist with an emphasis on community nutrition and an appreciation for the unique cultural environment of Hawai‘i and US Affiliated Pacific Region.


Goals and Objectives

Goal #1 – Program graduates will be  prepared for accredited dietetic internships, institutions of higher learning, and supervised practice graduates prepared for entry level RDN practice through high quality education and training.

Objective 1: “At least 80% of students complete program requirements within 3 years (150% of planned program length)”.

Objective 2: “At least 50 percent of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation”.

Objective 3: “Of program graduates who apply to a supervised practice program, at least 40 percent are admitted within 12 months of graduation”.

Objective 4: “The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%”.

Objective 5: 80% of Supervised Practice program directors, graduate program advisors, and employers who responded to the program director survey will rate our program graduates as prepared or well prepared for current role (intern, graduate student, employee).

Objective 6: Over a 3-year period 90% of graduates who responded to the alumni survey will rate themselves as prepared or well prepared for their Supervised Practice program.

Goal #2 – Program graduates will have demonstrated a commitment to community service and appreciation for the unique cultural environment of Hawai‘i  and the US Affiliated Pacific.

Objective 7: 100% of graduates will participate in an outside professional learning experience or volunteer activity with an organization that serves Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders or is unique to the Hawaiian community

Program outcomes data are available upon request. Please contact the Dietetics Program Director for data.

Admission to the Major

Students must meet the following requirements to be admitted into the Dietetics degree program. There is no application required. Your CTAHR advisor will determine eligibility and process admittance into the Dietetics degree program once all of the following requirements are met. Prior to admission into the Dietetics degree program, students should enroll as a major in one of the available Food Science Human Nutrition (FSHN) degree programs.

  • 60 earned credits (Junior standing)
  • Minimum total GPA of 3.0 
  • Completed FSHN 185 with a grade of B (not B-) or better
  • Completed the following courses with a grade of C (not C-) or better
    • MATH 140 (or higher)
    • PHYL 141 & 141 Lab
    • PHYL 142 & 142 Lab
    • CHEM 161 & 161 Lab
    • CHEM 162 & 162 Lab

All Dietetics students are required to meet with the DPD Director the semester they are admitted to the Dietetics program. DPD Director Advising Calendar: 

Program Costs

Costs and Financial Assistance 2020-21

Tuition (full-time) & Fees

$6,023 (resident)

$17,039 (non-resident)

Books $500
Student Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Membership $58
Hawai'i Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics Conference $65
Liability Insurance (student) $35
Housing & Utilities (Based on 1 room for 10 months), annually $7,000-10,000
Field Experience (travel, possible background check, immunizations) for FSHN 492 (one time) $100-300

 This does not take into account living or possible additional expenses such as a $5 fee to join the FSHN Student Council.

Please see for the most updated tuition and fees.


Financial Aid, Scholarships & Other Support

The University and CTAHR offer some financial assistance.  Please see CTAHR's scholarship website here:

Nutrition and Food Science scholarships are also available; however, most are for Juniors and Seniors with a grade point average above 3.0.  Check out the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences scholarships website:

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation has scholarships available for Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics student members. Scholarships vary from year to year, each with a value range of $500 to $10,000 each. Please see the Academy Foundation website here:

University Graduation Requirements & Academic Calendar

General Undergraduate Foundation and Core Requirements
A complete list is available online at

University Academic Calendar:

Foundations Requirement:  12 credits

The Foundations requirements are intended to give students skills and perspectives that are fundamental to undertaking higher education.  Students complete the Foundations requirements during their first year at UHM.  Courses taken to fulfill the Foundations requirements may not be used to fulfill Diversification or Focus requirements.

Written Communication (FW):  3 credits

Written Communication courses introduce students to the rhetorical, conceptual, and stylistic demands of writing at the college level; courses give instruction in composing processes, search strategies, and comprising from sources.  Courses also provide students with experiences in the library and on the internet and enhance their skills in accessing and using various types of primary and secondary materials.

FW Course Options Include:

  • AMST 111 Introduction to American Studies Writing
  • ENG 100, 100A Composition I
  • ENG 190 Composition for Transfer Students
  • ELI 100 Expository Writing:  A Guided Approach

Symbolic Reasoning (FS):  3 credits

Symbolic Reasoning courses expose students to the beauty and power of formal systems, as well as to their clarity and precision; courses do not focus solely on computational skills.  Students learn the concept of proof as a chain of inferences.  They learn to apply formal rules or algorithms, engage in hypothetical reasoning, and traverse a bridge between theory and practice.  In addition, students develop the ability to use appropriate symbolic techniques in the context of problem solving and to present and critically evaluate evidence.

FS Course Options Include:

  • MATH 140** Pre-calculus
  • MATH 161 Pre-calculus and Elements of Calculus for Economics and the Social Sciences
  • MATH 203** Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
  • MATH 215** Applied Calculus I
  • MATH 241** Calculus I
  • MATH 251A** Accelerated Calculus I
  • NREM 203 Applied Calculus for Management, Life Sciences, and Human Resources* has a pre-requisite

** Denotes requirement of placement by the Math Department's Pre-calculus Assessment; visit

Global and Multi-cultural Perspectives (FG):  2 courses, 6 credits

Global and Multi-cultural Perspectives courses provided thematic treatments of global processes and cross-cultural interactions from a variety of perspectives.  Students will gain a sense of human development from prehistory to modern times through consideration of narratives and artifacts from diverse cultures.  At least one component of each of these courses will involve the indigenous cultures of Hawai'i, the Pacific, or Asia.

FG Courses

To satisfy this requirement, students must take a total of six credits; the six credits must come from two different groups.

Group A Options Include (FGA; courses cover the time period prehistory to 1500):?

  • ANTH 151, 151A Emerging Humanity
  • ART 175 Survey of Global Art I
  • HIST 151 World History to 1500
  • HIST 161A World Cultures in Perspective
  • WS 175 History of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Global Perspectives to 1500 CE

Group B Options Include (FGB; courses cover the time period 1500 to modern times):

  • AMST 150 America and the World
  • ANTH 152, 152A Culture and Humanity
  • ART 176 Survey of Global Art II
  • FSHN 141 Culture and Cuisine:  The Global Diversity of Food
  • GEOG 102 World Regional Geography
  • HAW 100 Language in Hawai'i:  A Microcosm of Global Language Issues
  • HIST 152 World History since 1500
  • HIST 162A World Cultures in Perspective
  • LING 105 Language Endangerment, Globalization, and Indigenous Peoples
  • TIM 102 Food and World Cultures
  • WS 176 History of Gender, Sex and Sexuality in Global Perspective, 1500 CE to the Present

Group C Options Include (FGC; courses cover the time period prehistory to modern times):

  • GEOG 151, 151A Geography and Contemporary Society
  • LLL 150 Literature and Social Change
  • MUS 107 Music in World Cultures
  • REL 150, 150A Introduction to the World's Major Religions

For Non-UH System Transfer Students Only

Students who transfer from a non-UH System school with one or more western civilization courses will be required to take only three credits of Global and Multi-cultural Perspectives.  If the course or courses that they have taken are time-period specific, the credits that they take at UHM must cover a different time period.

Diversification Requirement:  19 credits

The Diversification requirements are intended to assure that every student has exposure to different domains of academic knowledge, while at the same time allowing flexibility in choice of courses for students with different goals and interests.

Requirements Hawaiian/Second Language Foundations Diversification Focus Major Minor/Certificate
Hawaiian/Second Language --- No No Yes No No
Foundations No --- No No Yes No
Diversification No No --- Yes Yes No
Focus Yes No Yes --- Yes Yes
Major No Yes Yes Yes --- No
Minor/Certificate No No No Yes No ---

Diversification (19 credits) Dietetic Required Courses

Arts, Humanities, and Literatures (DA, DH, DL):  6 credits
To satisfy this requirement, students must take 6 credits:  the 6 credits must include two of the three different areas:  Art "DA"; Humanities "DH", and Literatures "DL".

COMG 151 or COMG 251 (DA) HWST 107 (Recommended) (DH) (HAP)
Natural Sciences (DB, DP, DY):  7 credits
To satisfy this requirement, students must take three credits in Biological Science "DB", three credits in Physical Science "DP", and one credit of Science Laboratory "DY"
The required science courses in the Dietetics curriculum will cover this requirement
Social Sciences (DSS):  6 credits
To satisfy this requirement, students must take a total of six credits from two different departments
SOC 100 and PSY 100 (DS)

UHM Graduation Requirements

Focus Requirements

The Focus requirements identify important additional skills and knowledge necessary for living and working in diverse communities.  Courses fulfilling Focus requirements are offered in departments across the curriculum and vary each semester.  To meet a Focus requirement, a course must have official UHM Focus designation during the semester in which it is taken.  Courses taken outside the UH System cannot be used to fulfill Focus requirements.  Instead, non-UH System transfer students' Focus requirements are adjusted according to the number of credit hours awarded by UHM for non-UH System courses.

Focus (course requirement) Dietetic Required Courses
Contemporary Ethical Issues (E):  one course 300-level and above BIOL 340 (E) (Recommended)
Hawaiian, Asian, & Pacific Issues (H):  one course HWST 107 (DH) (HAP) (Recommended)
Oral Communication (OC):  one course 300-level and above FSHN 381, 469
Writing Intensive* (W):  five courses, two courses 300-level and above BIOL 171 Lab, FSHN 370, FSHN 381 Lab, FSHN 389, FSHN 492

*Designation of Writing Intensive courses may change from year to year

Note:  Second Language (competence at the 202 level) Not required for DTCS students
Dietetics Course Requirements


University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM) Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Requirements

The UHM  DPD is based on requirements mandated by the College and University requirements and the Standards of Education of the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics.  Due to the large number of required courses, especially those courses that have prerequisites, scheduling can be challenging.  As an entering freshman you can complete the dietetics undergraduate program at the UHM in four years if you closely follow the course sequence on the sample four year plan.  This plan specifies all required coursework including the University undergraduate core requirements.  Many of the courses required in the first two years are offered at the community colleges.

A link to a sample 4-year plan is below:

*Please note always refer to the UH catalog and current Schedule of Courses as scheduling and prerequisites are subject to change

Distance and In-Person Learning Opportunities

More than 50% of the UHM dietetics courses are offered in a face to face, synchronous learning environment. Most courses have temporarily moved to distance offering due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check the UHM resources for requirements for on campus activities and other updates.

Dietetics Course List

If you are applying to dietetic internships you will be required  to include as part of the application the Supplemental DPD Course List form listing UHM DPD course requirements.  In the past many students and internship directors had to guess where courses "fit" within the dietetics internship application - designating it either a DPD Professional or DPD Science course.  With the help of this Supplemental DPD Course List form the information is already available to you.

DPD Course List
Required Supplemental Form to be completed by the DPD Program Director

DPD Program Institution University of Hawai'i at Manoa
DPD Director: Monica Esquivel, PhD, RDN
Website for Course Catalog:



DPD Professional Courses DPD Science Courses
FSHN 181/L Intro to Food Preparation BIOL 171/L Introduction to Biology I
FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition BIOL 340 Genetics, Evolution and Society or CMB 411 Human Genetics
FSHN 311 Inst. Food Serv. Mgmt or BUS 315 Mgmt and Org Behavior CHEM 161/L General Chemistry
FSHN 312 Quantity Foods and Instiutional Purchasing CHEM 272 Organic Chemistry
FSHN 322 Marketing Nutrition & Food or BUS 312 Principles of Marketing MBBE 375 Multidisciplinary Biochemistry
FSHN 370 Nutrition Through the Lifespan FSHN 440 Food Safety or MICR 130/140L General Microbiology
FSHN 381/L Experimental Foods

PHYL 141/L Human Anatomy & Physiology or

PHYL 301/L Human Anatomy & Physiology

FSHN 389 Nutritional Assessment

PHYL 142/L Human Anatomy & Physiology or

PHYL 302/L Human Anatomy & Physiology

FSHN 451 Community Nutrition & Nutrition Education PHRM 203 General Pharmacology
FSHN 467 Medical Nutrition Therapy I  
FSHN 478 Medical Nutrition Therapy II  
FSHN 469 Nutrition Counseling  
FSHN 480 Nutrition in Exercise & Sports  
FSHN 485 Nutritional Biochemistry I  
FSHN 486 Nutritional Biochemistry II  
FSHN 488 Obesity, Science, and Issues  
FSHN 492 Field Experience  
NREM 310 Statistics in Agricultural & Human Resources  
MATH 140 or higher Pre-Calculus  
PSY 100 Survey of Psychology  
SOC 100 Introduction of Sociology  
COM 151 Personal & Public Speech or COMG 251
Principles of Effective Public Speaking

Dietetics Program Sheet 2017-18


A sample Dietetics 4-year plan can be found at


Policies & Procedures


Evaluation is a critical continuous process that is an integral component of the UHM DPD.  Faculty and students are each given opportunities to offer their input.  Constructive suggestions and recommendations are always encouraged.  A variety of mechanisms exist to ensure that this evaluation process takes place:

  1. At the end of each dietetic required course, students will be given the opportunity to evaluate the instructor's performance and the course itself.
  2. Students have the right to give input to the given professor, student advisor, dietetics program director, department chairperson, and college dean of student and academic affairs.
  3. At the end of the DPD, students are given an "exit survey" administered by the college and are asked to evaluate the quality of the education they received while attending UHM.

Grievance Procedure

It is the policy of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa that faculty and students be provided consistent and equitable treatment in resolving disputes arising from the academic relationship between faculty and student(s).  Student(s) who wish to appeal a decision or grade by faculty members are advised to utilize the Academic Grievance Procedure.  Information on the Academic Grievance Procedure is available from the UHM Dean of Students, who is the campus responsible for facilitating the grievance process.  Their site is:

Students who have a grievance related to the DPD program should contact the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).

120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
(800) 877-1600 ext. 5400

Retention, Remediation, and Disciplinary Action

As will all students who fail to meet the academic requirements of UHM, students may be placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed.  The guidelines for these procedures are found in the UH catalog.  Further information may also be obtained from the UH student academic services office,  Dietetic students are encouraged to develop a collaborative relationship with their advisors so if necessary, they can work together to proactively develop positive strategies to avoid negative disciplinary action.

Dietetics Program Advisory Committee

The UHM Dietetics Advisory Committee (DAC) is comprised of practicing Registered Dietitians, preceptors, and university faculty and staff. The DAC meets annually to review program policies and procedures to ensure program quality. If you are interested in serving on the DAC please email the program director, Monica Esquivel at

A big MAHALO to our current DAC members:

Dietetics Advisory Committee Members, March 2021

Carol J Boushey PhD MPH RDN, Associate Research Professor, University of Hawaii Cancer Center

Clementina D. Ceria-Ulep PhD MSN RN, Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM)

Jen Draper MA RDN LD, Lecturer, Nutritional Sciences, UHM

Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla PhD MS RDN LD IBC, Associate Professor in Human Nutrition, UHM

Lara Hackney MS RDN, Instructor, UHM

Laura Morihara RDN IBCLC, Local Agency Coordinator, Wahiawa WIC Program

Rachel Novotny PhD RDN LD, Professor and Graduate Chair, Nutritional Sciences, UHM

Iris Takahashi MPH RDN CLC, Clinic Operations Section Chief. Hawaii State WIC

Amy Tousman MPH RDN, ISPP Instructor/Lecturer, UHM

Jinzeng Yang PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UHM

Eva Young RDN CNSC, Clinical Nutrition Manager, Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center

Food Science and Human Nutrition Council, Student Board President, HNFAS, CTAHR, UHM

Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway, Intern Representative, Didactic Program in Dietetics, HNFAS, CTAHR, UHM

Ricardo Custodio, Associate Professor of Health Science, University of Hawaii West Oahu 

Kaiulani Odom, Roots Program Director, Kokua Kalihi Valley 

Tammy Smith, Dietary Manager for The King Lunalilo Trust and Home 

Mele Kalama-Kingma, UHM Alumni

Jamie Boyd, Professor Windward Community College

Jackie Ng-Osorio, State Plan Native Hawaiian Culture Case Study Manager 

Shelly Enos, Research Coordinator, Waianae Coast Community Health Center

Candi Medina, UHM Alumni

Kimi Maeda, Waipahu High School Teacher

Dayna Takahashi, UHM Alumni

Allison Calabrese, Kamehameha School Teacher


  • Pathway to RD
  • Applying for a Dietetic Internship
  • Internship FAQ
  • DPD Verification

The UHM dietetics program fulfills requirement one below, as our Didactic Program in Dietetics curriculum is accredited through ACEND. The Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP) of the DPD program fufills requirement two below.

Beginning in January 1, 2024, the entry-level registration eligibility education requirements for dietitians will change from a baccalaureate degree to a minimum of a graduate degree. A graduate degree includes a master’s degree, practice doctorate, doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.Dor, D.Sc.) All other entry-level dietitian registration eligibility requirements remain the same.

Additional pathways to registration exam eligibility are available. See more information HERE

Applying for a Dietetic Internship

Applying for an internship involves extensive research, time, and money.  It is never too early to start preparing for this stage of your undergraduate education.  It is important that you apply for an internship within five (5) years upon completion of your didactic experience.  If you want longer, you will need to take a series of "refresher" courses.

Freshman to Senior Year:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. 
  • Get to know department faculty-  you may need them to write your letters of recommendation. 
  • Start developing a rèsumè.  

Sophomore to Junior Year:

  • Research internship programs to which you may want to apply (click here for listing). 
  • Attend Dietetics Information Sessions (email DPD director for information)
  • Ask returning students, faculty, and community professionals for the opinions/suggestions. 
  • If a Graduate Record Exam score is required, check into when the exam is offered & begin studying.

Second to Last Semester (e.g. Fall Semester - Senior Year):

  • Narrow your choices down to about 5 to 8 programs. 
  • Correspond with these programs and ask for more specific information, but before you do, read the fine print. 
  • Check to see if the programs that include a graduate degree require taking the Graduate Record Exam.
  • Gather your transcripts.  Write to each college/university you have attended to and request a copy of your transcripts.  

Mid-Point of Second Month of the Last Semester (e.g. February - Senior Year):

Applying to Dietetics Internships using Dietetics Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS)

Mid-Point of Last Month of the Last Semester (e.g. Mid-April -- Senior Year):

  • Notification Day: Applicant matching results for each applicant are posted to D&D Digital on, in mid-April or mid-November. 
    • If you received a MATCH, the dietetic internship program will be listed. 
    • A MATCH means that using your priority choices and the dietetic internship priority choices, you have been selected to accept an appointment to the program. 
    • You must contact the internship program director within 48 hours to accept or decline the appointment.
  • Appointment Day:  If the applicant is MATCHED to an internship program, she/he must contact that program director on this date to confirm her/his appointment. 
    • Please also follow-up with the UHM Dietetics Program Director to share the results of appointment day.
  • What if you do not receive a match?  Contact the UHM dietetics program director and work together to determine the best plan of action.
  • Review the internship listings on the ACEND website, all accredited internships are listed with pertinent information (location, graduate degree options, number of interns accepted, tuition, length of program, program webpage).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't want to leave Hawaii, what are my options?
  • ?What are my chances of getting an internship?
    • acceptance to a dietetic internship program is competitive (50% of students don't get matched, Nationwide) 
    • good grades are essential (most internships require minimum 3.2 GPA)
    • relevant work experience is important and involvement in volunteer activities is also important
  • What are the characteristics of successful dietetic internship applicants?
    • Grade point average
      • 79% had over 3.0 for all courses
      • 89% had over 3.0 for food, nutrition, and management courses
      • 56% had 3.0 for biological and physical science courses
    • Work experience
      • 85% had more than one year of paid work experience
        • 54% had dietetics-related volunteer experience
          • 53% had worked with an RDN
    • What other characteristics do dietetic internship program directors look for in applicants?
      • 87% use volunteer experience as a criterion
      • 96% require letters of recommendation

Beginning in 2024, the entry-level registration eligibility education requirements for dietitians will change from a baccalaureate degree to a minimum of a graduate degree. A graduate degree includes a master’s degree, practice doctorate, doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.Dor, D.Sc.) All other entry-level dietitian registration eligibility requirements remain the same.

The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) stipulates specific knowledge components that all accredited dietetic programs must teach their students. This ensures all dietetics students taught by an ACEND accredited program have consistent knowledge about the field. Specifics on how a program teaches those concepts and how to ensure students know the material (through assignments, exams, projects, etc.) is determined by the program. 

The Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Verification Statement formally signifies that you have met all knowledge requirements prescribed by ACEND, making you eligible to apply for an internship.

To earn a DPD verification statement from UH Manoa you must

1. Complete an undergraduate degree in dietetics OR as a graduate student complete all required DPD courses

2. Submit a professional portfolio to the DPD director. 

Professional Portfolio

As students progress through the dietetics program they will be encouraged to develop, and continually update, a professional portfolio.  A variety of material may be included such as: evidence of oral and written communication, ability to use technology, evidence of research skills, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving ability.  The process of accumulating and storing materials digitally is now available through the UH computer system, Laulima.  Student also can develop their own website to showcase their portfolio using free software such as WordPress or GoogleSites. 

Professional Portfolio Instructions (2020-21)

Verification statemens are mailed after graduation, five (5) original copies are provided. To recieve your verification statement you will need to provide mailing and additional information during your last semester. A google form will be sent to graduating seniors. UHM will keep one original copy of your official verification statement on file indefinetely; however it is important that you keep an original verification statement. 

HNFAS Department

1955 East West Road
AgSci 216

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-7095

fax: 808-956-4024


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