Dietetics Supervised Program (SP)

The UHM ISPP Program is no longer accepting students (June 2024).

Admission Requirements


The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Individualized Supervised Practice Program is within the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). This ISPP is only available to graduates who were not matched to a dietetic Internship program (proof required), possess a DPD Verification Statement, and are admitted or in good standing in the MS Nutritional Sciences program at UHM.

The full-time UHM ISPP is 3 semesters in length. In extenuating circumstances the ISPP allows up to 150% of the full time program or up to 200% if approved by the Director.

Students not matched in the D & D Digital match or within the past 5 years are eligible to submit to the UHM ISPP an online Application Packet to the Director (see Apply section for deadlines). The UHM ISPP will accept students to begin in both the fall and spring semesters. 



 Admission Requirements for the UHM ISPP include the following:

All of the requirements below are considered together using a point ranking system.  This point ranking system is used in the selection process to rank applicants in order.  Students who are in the final stage of selection process will be invited to an interview by a UHM ISPP Admission Committee.  The interview will be conducted in person or via Skype.

  • Admission or good standing in the MS Nutritional Sciences program RDN concentration, or earned graduate degree (MS or PhD) in nutritional sciences at UHM
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree from a U.S. regionally accredited DPD program accredited college/university or foreign equivalent
  • ACEND accredited DPD program verification statement or statement of intent
  • Evidence of not being matched to a Dietetic Internship Program. Students who turned down an Internship Program are not eligible.
  • Overall GPA of 3.2 or higher.  A GPA of 4.0 is desired.  Lower GPA may be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Relevant work experience beyond that required for undergraduate course requirements (may be paid or volunteer).
  • A Medical Nutrition Therapy course completed no more than four years prior to the application to the UHM ISPP (or may be required to enroll and retake as graduate student).

The Admissions Committee of the UHM ISPP considers the following qualities in the selection process:


  • Academic ability
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership potential
  • Evidence of the ability to be self- directed and organized
  • Commitment to the profession of dietetics
  • Technological skills

Starting 2020- Health Vaccination Requirements Required within 2 Months of Admission:

No later than two months from notification of admission and acceptance into the ISPP program, interns will be required to provide the following:

Hepatitis B vaccination and surface antibody screening requirements: Hepatitis B vaccination must be verified by a Surface AB titer indicating a positive/reactive or immune reading. Negative/nonreactive results for the hepatitis B surface antibody titer must be addressed according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) immunization guidelines (at least 2 months ahead of the rotation start date). 
Tuberculosis screening requirements (meet one of the following options):
1) Two Mantoux TB skin-tests within the past 12 months; or
2) Two-step Mantoux TB Skin-test should be done within the past 12 months; or 
3) Chest x-ray with normal finding with in the last 12 month of the entry date. 
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella IgG antibody test requirements: 

Vaccinations may be verified by a MMR titer and Varicella titer indicating a positive/reactive or immune reading 

Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap)
Meningococcal (MCV) 

COVID-19 (Effective Jan 3, 2022)


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