Policies and Procedures
COVID-19 Policy
The ISPP follows the University of Hawaii system’s COVID-19 guidance to complete its goal of preparing dietetic interns for entry level RDN practice. For current information about the guidelines, please visit UH Manoa COVID-19 Guidelines. The program in coordination with the UH system seeks to create a healthy and vibrant environment as possible during this pandemic.
The program also adheres to the policies of participating facilities that provide on-site clinical training for interns. Faculty, preceptors, interns, and staff are required to follow these policies to protect their own health with respect for the people around them.
Rotation scheduling and the completion of the program requirements are not guaranteed for students who are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (2 dose minimum) due to the limited number of facility sites able to train unvaccinated interns.
Ethics and Professional Conduct
All students are expected to be familiar with and conform to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics. In addition, students are expected to demonstrate ethical, personal conduct and to respect the rights of all clients and employees to confidentiality.
Students are expected to maintain confidentiality with respect to the supervised practice facility, the university, patients, clients, employees, peers, mentors, and faculty.
Use of Drugs or Alcohol
Any use of illegal drugs or nonprescription use of controlled drugs by a student will result in disciplinary action. Warnings will be issued, and dismissal from the SP may result. Students will abide by the state liquor control laws. No student will report to class, work, or any program sponsored function while under the influence of alcohol.
Use of Facility Reference Materials and Forms
Students are not permitted to remove from facilities books, journals, etc., which are borrowed from individuals at the facilities. All materials should be returned to the lender before leaving the facility at the end of the day. Facility forms are to be used for supervised practice assignments. Blank forms are not to be collected by the student and removed from the facility.
Use of Drugs or Alcohol
Any use of illegal drugs or nonprescription use of controlled drugs by a student will result in disciplinary action. Warnings will be issued, and dismissal from the SP may result. Students will abide by the state liquor control laws. No student will report to class, work, or any SP sponsored function while under the influence of alcohol.
Use of Facility Reference Materials and Forms
Students are not permitted to remove from facilities books, journals, etc., which are borrowed from individuals at the facilities. All materials should be returned to the lender before leaving the facility at the end of the day. Facility forms are to be used for supervised practice assignments. Blank forms are not to be collected by the student and removed from the facility.
Borrowing of Books, Journals, Keys at Supervised Site
Students are not permitted to take home books, journals, keys, etc. that are borrowed from individuals at facilities. All materials should be returned to the lender before leaving the facility at the end of the day. Keys to the offices/meeting rooms in the facilities are at times provided to the students. It is the responsibility of the student(s) to return these keys to the appropriate staff member. Students will be responsible for all costs to facility if items are not returned.
Written Assignments
All assignments must be word processed unless otherwise specified. Accepted procedures should be followed which include good grammar and sentence structure, correct spelling, and careful proofreading. Unacceptable assignments will be returned for correction.
Required Health Vaccinations
Hepatitis B vaccination and surface antibody screening requirements:
Hepatitis B vaccination must be verified by a Surface AB titer indicating a positive/reactive or immune reading. Negative/nonreactive results for the hepatitis B surface antibody titer must be addressed according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) immunization guidelines (at least 2 months ahead of the rotation start date).
Tuberculosis screening requirements (meet one of the following options):
1) Two Mantoux TB skin-tests within the past 12 months; or
2) Two-step Mantoux TB Skin-test should be done within the past 12 months; or
3) Chest x-ray with normal finding with in the last 12 month of the entry date.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella IgG antibody test requirements:
Two vaccines must be verified (TAMC, Kaiser Permanente)
Vaccinations may be verified by a MMR titer and Varicella titer indicating a positive/reactive or immune reading (Hilo MC)
Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) - (mandatory only for TAMC)
Influenza (flu) vaccine is recommended.
Meningococcal (MCV) variable
COVID-19 (Effective Jan 3, 2022)
Students are not allowed to solicit or accept monetary tips for any services rendered to clients.
Change of Name
Please notify the Registrar's Office and the Director of any change in name as soon as possible after it occurs. As a student member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – Change of name form should be completed as well.
A student may remain in the SP with written permission from her attending physician stating she is able to perform the assigned responsibilities. Students should notify the director of a pregnancy as soon as possible.
Housing and meal costs are the responsibility of the student. The SP does not provide or arrange for housing for students. Arrangements can be made through the Office of Student Affairs.
Training on Equipment
All students will receive proper training on equipment by facility staff before being asked to operate.
Injury at Assigned Facility
Any injury must be reported immediately to the facility preceptor and Director. Emergency treatment will be given as needed at the student’s expense. If hospitalization is required, students must assume the cost. When a student is injured at the supervised practice site:
- Notify the preceptor or supervisor at the facility.
- Obtain emergency medical care.
- Preceptor and student will complete an accident report from the facility and complete an accident report from the University of Hawaii. A copy of University of Hawaii accident report can be found at: www.hawaii.edu/ehso/industrial/HSG.pdf
- Notify the director at the University regardless of how insignificant the accident is.
- Fax the report to the director.
- The director will fax the accident report to the proper office.
Placement in Facilities
Placement of students in supervised practice facilities is the prerogative of the Supervised Practice Director.
Telephone Use/Internet Connection
Personal telephone calls should be made only during the student's breaks or lunch periods. The student may not accept incoming calls or text messages during working hours. Mobile phones are to be placed on silent mode. Personal e-mails via the facility’s Internet connection are not allowed.
All personal mail should be delivered to the student's residence.
Smoking is not allowed at the SP Facilities or the University of Hawaii.
Students must consider the need of patients for rest and must avoid loud talking in patient areas.
Personal Dietary Restrictions
It is important for a foodservice manager to be directly involved in the evaluation of food quality. Students are expected to set aside preferences, and are encouraged to set aside lifestyle commitments with respect to food, in order to try small amounts of the food being served by the department to patients and the public.
Library Services & Policies
The University of Hawaii Library and all of its services are available for use by the students. Facility libraries are also available for student's use during working hours if permitted by the affiliated facility. Note: Any journals, books, etc. borrowed from a facility is the responsibility of the student to return on time or replace with the current cash value if lost.
SP Advisory Board Meeting
Students will be asked to designate one representative to communicate concerns and issues to the director. This student will also be required to attend/participate in the SP Advisory Board meeting twice during the SP calendar year.
Professional Dress Code for SP Students Professional Dress Code for Dietetic Students
The dress code has been established so that students will conform to the sanitary requirements of foodservice and health care and will always present a positive image to those in affiliated institutions. A "dress code" always includes unwritten rules of cleanliness, good grooming, good taste and appropriateness.
Students should adhere to the dress code while on campus, in facilities and while attending training, community events or functions. Students should follow the dress code of the facility in which they are assigned. All uniforms/ Lab Coats are to be provided and maintained by the student. Some general guidelines include:
- Jewelry: rings limited to wedding rings/bands one ring per hand; watch; plain, post-type (no dangling) earrings.
- Body Piercing: ear piercing is allowed. Jewelry associated with facial or body piercing is not allowed.
- Tattoos: any visible tattoos must be covered.
- Nails: no nail polish, nails need to be clean and cut (no longer than ¼”)
- Hair: needs to be combed daily and arranged neatly; hair must be completely covered by a hair net or surgical cap when in food production areas; non-porous plastic or metal hair ornaments are permissible. Natural occurring hair colors are appropriate (green, yellow, orange, blue hair is not permitted.
- Exposed undergarments: such as boxers, thongs, bra straps and exposed midriff, back and cleavage are not permitted
- Head coverings: such as baseball caps are not permitted.
- Earphones: or earpieces for phones or music players are not allowed.
- Miscellaneous: Gum chewing is not allowed, excessive make up and perfume should not be used, name tag must be worn at all times.
- Dress code is Business Casual. Clothing- clean and pressed, white lab coat over modest professional dress, blouse, skirt or slacks. Undergarments should be worn.
- Tops/Blouse/dress must have sleeves and fit modestly: Tops should not fit tightly, be made of a sheer material and should not reveal cleavage, midriff or back. No low cut or see through tops are allowed.
- Dress and skirt length should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
- Dress code is Business Casual. Clothing - clean and pressed, white lab coat over Aloha or collared shirt, plain slacks, dark shoes. Jeans (denim or corduroy), shorts, and t-shirts are not acceptable.
- Shoes: comfortable shoes in good condition that provide support and protection. Shoes are to be low heeled and closed toes, clean and polished. Tennis or sport shoes are not acceptable. Facilities require nonskid soles.
Attendance Policy
The UHM ISPP program follows the UHM academic calendar, including holidays. ISPP interns should minimize requests for vacation days during the academic year. Interns are not expected to report to supervised practice sites during the summer, vacations are encouraged during that time (after end of Spring semester and prior to the start of the Fall semester).
Absences from the facilities due to illness must be reported to the Director and the Preceptor. The facility should be notified before the time the student is expected to be on duty. Special requests, absences for personal reasons, etc. must be approved in advance by both the Director and Preceptor. The time missed must be made up at a time convenient to the Preceptor. Make any special requests in writing to the director as much in advance as possible. These must be kept at a minimum!
Students are given leave of absence to attend funerals for members of their immediate families (parents, grandparents, husband, wife, children, brothers, sisters). The student should notify the Supervised Practice Director immediately. ISPP students are subject to the UHM graduate division's policy on formal leaves of absence. Students are allowed up to one year of leave per graduate division policy. The one year leave does not count against time allowed for completion of graduate degree programs. For more information visit the UHM Graduate Division website.
Emergency absences related to serious illness or injury to a member of the student's immediate family will be restricted to a maximum of three days. The same definitions of immediate family outlined as above apply to emergency absences. All time missed must be made up at a time agreed upon by you and the Preceptor you are working with. If possible the time must be made up during the rotation in which it occurs. All time must be made up before the end of the rotation. Personal days are limited and must be approved by the Preceptor. The day must be made up before the end of the rotation at a time agreed to by the Preceptor.
Exit Interview
Students are requested to evaluate the overall Supervised Practice upon completion of the requirements. The Director holds an exit interview with each student upon completion of the SP and records that information in the student’s file. Compiled data are used to determine SP effectiveness and facilitate improvement.
Non-discriminatory Policy
It is the policy of the University to provide equity of opportunity in higher education, both in the educational mission and as an employer. The University is committed to comply with all State and Federal statutes, rules, and regulations which prohibit discrimination. The University is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, or status as a covered veteran.
This policy covers admission and access to, and participation, treatment and employment in the University’s programs and activities. Discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment, is prohibited under this policy. The University shall promote a full realization of equal opportunity through a positive, continuing program of nondiscrimination and affirmative action (41 CFR Chapter 60) on each campus.
Transportation to and from the supervised practice facilities and campus is a student responsibility. Travel of up to one or more hours may be required for some supervised practice locations. The student is expected to maintain a vehicle in reliable operating condition, so that tardiness is not due to vehicle failure. Additionally, the student is expected to schedule return trips from weekend travel, so that Monday morning punctuality is maintained. The student must be in the appointed place at the appropriate time. It is suggested that the student be in a supervised practice facility about 10 or 15 minutes before the assigned time. Disregard for promptness demonstrates a lack of responsibility, which will not be tolerated. Repeated tardiness will warrant a verbal warning.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - HIPAA
This act affects how the students need to retain the patient/resident/client confidentially. HIPAA applies to Protected Health Information (PHI) that is individually identifiable health information. Each facility/site may request that the student assigned attend an in-service in their facility on HIPAA.
University of Hawaii Dietetic Students will follow these guidelines:
- Under no circumstances shall any patient identifiers be placed in any academic documents prepared by the student.
- Students will not divulge or communicate in any manner any health information. Students will protect all health information and treat it as strictly confidential.
- Students are expected to maintain confidentiality with respect to the supervised practice facility, the university, patients, clients, employees, peers, mentors, and faculty.
Any student found to violate this policy, be it for malicious or non-malicious reasons, may be subject to removal from the facility and may be subject to potential civil penalties. All students will be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement for each facility visited. This agreement will be kept in the student’s file and be available to any preceptor who requests it.
SP Student or Preceptor Grievances/Complaints
- Students and Preceptors are encouraged to bring their grievance(s) or complaint(s) to the attention of the Supervised Practice Director in a timely manner for prompt attention. This is completed in an informal manner. If the grievance(s) or complaint(s) directly involve the SP director, the student or preceptor may contact the HNFAS department chair directly. UH policy and procedures protect students and preceptors against retaliation for grievances and complaints made.
- If the complaint is not addressed to the satisfaction of the student or preceptors after step 1, the student or preceptor will go the department chair. This is considered as a formal complaint and a typed report of the meeting and outcome is maintained in the Department chairs files.
- If the issue is not yet resolved, the student/ preceptor is invited to bring the matter to the Dean of the College who will make the final ruling.
- Students or Preceptors should submit complaints directly to ACEND only after all other options with the SP and institution have been exhausted. ACEND® will review complaints that
relate to a program’s compliance with the accreditation standards. ACEND® is interested in
the sustained quality and continued improvement of dietetics education programs but does
not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of
admission, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students. A copy of the
accreditation standards and or ACEND®’s policy and procedure for submission of complaints
may be obtained by contacting the Education and Accreditation staff at The Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995
or by calling 1-800-877-1600, ext. 5400. Written complaints should be mailed to the
ACEND® Chair at the above address.
- The SP or sponsoring institution must maintain a chronological record of student complaints related to the ACEND accreditation standards, including the resolution of complaints for a period of five years.
- The SP or sponsoring institution must allow inspection of complaint records during on-site evaluation visits by ACEND.
Disciplinary/Termination Procedure SP Retention and Remediation Procedures and Disciplinary/Termination Procedures
Supervised Practice students are regularly informed regarding their progress in supervised practice components of the SP. The SP Director reviews the supervised practice progress of all students. If a student fails to meet the criteria for satisfactory performance for the supervised practice or the health status of a student is a detriment to the student's successful completion of the SP, the student may be placed on probation at the discretion of the Director.
If at any time the conduct of a student is judged to unfavorably affect the morale of other participants in the SP, result in an unsatisfactory level of performance, a conference shall be held between the Director and appropriate representatives to determine remedial action. If a student does not meet the competencies and objectives of the supervised practice experience, the student will be assigned to continue with additional experiences, not to exceed one (1) month, until the desired level of expertise is accomplished. Should this occur, the director in consultation with the Preceptors of the facility will provide in writing specific steps and action that are to be required of the student. If the student does not meet competencies at this point the student will be dismissed from the SP. Interns with minimal chances of success in the program must be counseled into career paths that are appropriate to their ability.
A verbal and then a written warning will be issued before the student is placed on probation. Justification for a warning can include (but not exclusively) to an observed undesirable performance including an uncooperative, unprofessional and / or unethical behavior. Instances of this may be insolence, habitual tardiness, refusal to cooperate, leaving the facility before the assigned time, disregard for the attendance policies of the SP or academic or supervised practice deficiencies. The purpose of this procedure is to record a fair and consistent procedure for termination of students from the Supervised Practice. Students can grieve at any point in the disciplinary procedure. (See "Grievances")
Step 1: A verbal warning will be given to the student. At this time the director will provide verbal counseling informing the student of the conduct or performance problem. A performance problem consists of any evidence of undesirable performance, one unacceptable rating or verbal report by a preceptor. (The unacceptable rating is to be noted by the preceptor on the Performance Evaluation form.) The in-person warning will be conducted from the director’s private office. The student will be given the opportunity to give his/her side of the situation. Specific expectations of improved performance or conduct will be outlined for the student. This meeting will be documented.
Step 2: If the behavior continues, a written warning will be given to the student. The director will give a written warning to the student after formal counseling. Specific performance or conduct problem(s) and proposed corrective action will be documented in a letter and reviewed with the student. A copy of the corrective action will be provided to the department chair. The student will be given the original letter and a file copy will be kept in the student's official folder.
Step 3: A student may be placed on probation when there is evidence that s/he has difficulty in complying with the corrective action as defined in step 2, or is unable to complete didactic components of the SP. The director will notify the student privately of his/her probationary status. A letter stating the reason for probation and required behavior, performance requirements and time frames for re-evaluation will be specified. The student may be placed on probation for a period of up to four weeks. If, after this period there is no resolution it may be necessary to change the preceptor or rotation schedule. Only one probationary period will be permitted during the Supervised Practice.
Step 4: If after all the above steps are followed and the student again receives an unacceptable rating or verbal report by a preceptor the student will be dismissed from the SP. The student may also be dismissed when he/she is unable to satisfactorily complete the SP requirements in a period equal to The student will receive a written notice of termination.
Note: Maximum time to complete all program requirements is 150% of the program length (15 months 2020 and prior; 3 years 2021 and future)
Grievance Procedure
NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO FILE COMPLAINTS WITH THE COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION FOR DIETETICS EDUCATION The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) will review complaints that relate to a SP's compliance with the accreditation standards. The Commission is interested in the sustain quality and continued improvement of dietetics education programs but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admission, appointment, promotion, or dismissal of faculty, staff, or students. A copy of the accreditation/approval standards and/or the Commission's policy may be obtained by contacting the ACEND staff at Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, Illinois 60606, 312-899-5400. Further information on this process can be found at: https://www.eatrightpro.org/acend/public-notices-and-announcements/filing-a-complaint-with-acend
Non-discriminatory Policy
It is the policy of the University to provide equity of opportunity in higher education, both in the educational mission and as an employer. The University is committed to comply with all State and Federal statutes, rules, and regulations which prohibit discrimination. The University is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, or status as a covered veteran.
Disciplinary Action
As with all students who fail to meet the academic requirements of UH, students may be placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed. The guidelines for these procedures are found in the UH catalog. Further information may also be obtained from the UH student academic services office. http://www.catalog.hawaii.edu/undergrad-d/honors.htm#academic
Dietetic students are encouraged to develop a collaborative relationship with their advisors so if necessary, they can work together to proactively develop positive strategies to avoid negative disciplinary action.
Insurance Requirements
All students are responsible for obtaining professional liability insurance. Proof will be required prior to the beginning of the practice rotations. All students are required to have personal health and vehicle insurance and provide documentation to the Director when required by the affiliate facility.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance provides protection to students from any injury they may cause or are alleged to have caused to others. Supervised Practice students participating in community or hospital work experiences are required to purchase at least $1,000,000 worth of liability insurance or certify that they are covered by the liability insurance policy of the cooperating agency or firm. Marsh Affinity Group Services provide $1,000,000 or $3,000,000 worth of liability insurance for an annual fee of about $30. The Department has no relationship with this firm.http://www.proliability.com/professional-liability-insurance/students
Liability for Safety in Travel to or from Assigned Areas
Students will be required to provide their own transportation to all practice facilities and the University. All students are responsible for their own automobile insurance. Proof will be required prior to beginning the supervised practice rotations.
Injury or Illness While in a Facility for Supervised Practice
Students who are injured or become ill during supervised practice experience will be sent to the Emergency Room or private physician as appropriate. Students are responsible for financial/medical insurance to cover such emergencies and follow up care as needed.
Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks
Hospitals, other clinical agencies, and educational agencies require a criminal background check and drug testing of interns to meet their hospital accreditation requirements. The UHM ISPP will not collect this information. It is the intern’s responsibility to provide required information in accordance with the requirements of the facilities, if requested.
If the requirements set forth by hospitals, other clinical agencies, or educational agencies are not met by the individual intern, the University is not responsible to provide a substitute clinical or educational facility or clinical/educational experience. The Dietetics Director will be notified by the agency when negative information results in the intern not being allowed to come to the agency. The Dietetics Director will contact the intern and inform them. Such refusals may impact the ability of the intern to continue in the ISPP program.
Educational Purpose of Supervised Practice Prevent use of Students to Replace Employees
Students do not replace staff to fulfill any staff work responsibilities, unless related to activities to meet Supervised Practice responsibilities. All Preceptors are to adhere to the rotation schedules and learning activities as provided by the Director.
Supervised Practice Policy on Prior Learning
The length of the Supervised Practice will not be reduced. UHM ISPP does not grant credit (academic or supervised practice hours) for prior learning.