Welcome to CTAHR In an effort to increase the number of accepted students that enroll with UHM/CTAHR in fall 2017, Department Chairs, in collaboration with the Academic and Student Affairs Office, sent out personalized letters of congratulations and welcome.
On February 25, 2017, CTAHR participated in the Manoa Experience, an annual open house event hosted by the UH Mānoa Office of Admissions.
CTAHR recruitment is getting a new look! In collaboration with Miles Hakoda, Elsie Kawahara and Jessie Radovich (outside contractor), ASAO will be rolling out a new look for our recruitment materials.
This Spring, our Distance Education efforts have developed two new online courses launched by Dr. Alyssa Cho (TPSS 403) and Dr. Selva Lewin- Bizan (FAMR 332).
A new registration system called STAR GPS Registration, will roll out in April for students.
If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us