Our Program's Documents
These documents are designed not only for potential clients, but also for anyone who is looking for a little guidance while developing a course with any kind of online component.
General Distance Education Program Documents
Please fill out this application if you would like to request help from our office to start up a distance education course, or if you would like assistance with creating a distance aspect to your extension program.
This handout is often used at our general workshops. It includes a list of different tools, both free and pay-to-use, that can be helpful when creating a distance course or website. It includes tools for screencapture, creating videos, freedrawing, and creating infographics. There are also tips at the bottom for when you are recording the narration for your lectures!
This handout was developed for CTAHR's New Faculty Orientation. It includes a list of suggested tools and services to help faculty prepare for their courses. Suggested tools and services include UH ITS Wireless Passthrough, Google Drive, Laulima, and Sinclair Library’s Course Reserves.
This presentation was developed for CTAHR's faculty and extension agents. It introduces Distance Education office background, past and current extension projects, Camtasia video editing software, and video tips.