Academic and Student Affairs News

CTAHR Advising Corner 20 September 2018

CTAHR Advising Corner

CTAHR welcomes new Mānoa Peer Advisor, Rachel Roberts.  Advisors have also adopted a regular walk-in advising schedule from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.

Meaningful Experience goes to Molokai 20 September 2018

Meaningful Experience goes to Molokai

CTAHR student ambassadors and staff visit Kalaupapa, Molokai for the 15th Annual CTAHR Meaningful Experience.

CTAHR Visits Schofield 13 September 2018

CTAHR Visits Schofield

ASAO visited the Schofield Barracks Educational Fair.

UHM Invites High School Counselors to Campus 13 September 2018

UHM Invites High School Counselors to Campus

An estimated 130 counselors attended the High School Counselors Workshop. 

CTAHR and USDA-APHIS hosts the 8th annual Hawaii AgDiscovery Program 13 September 2018

CTAHR and USDA-APHIS hosts the 8th annual Hawaii AgDiscovery Program

CTAHR and USDA-APHIS hosted 10 high school students for the 8th Annual Hawaii AgDiscovery Program.
