Academic and Student Affairs News

Pueo Program 31 March 2021

Pueo Program

A new partnership has been developed with the PUEO Program (Partnerships in Unlimited Educational Opportunities). The PUEO program serves Hawaii's public school students. It provides a consistent and comprehensive summer learning program that includes year-round events to foster a cohort experience and learning continuum. PUEO’s mission is to graduate scholars with the skills, confidence, and resilience to be college-ready.  We are currently working with the PUEO program to recruit students into our Grow With us Mentoring Program.

Grow With Us 31 March 2021

Grow With Us

Grow With Us mentoring program is a college and career preparation program that offers year-long mentorship to Hawai’i’s high school students.  Mentors assist mentees with school projects, college applications, job preparation, and advice related to their interest area.  The virtual field trips and extensive group activities provide students with hands-on experience in different career opportunities in Natural Resources, Animal Science, or Food Science, and Human Nutrition.

Gene-ius Day Program 31 March 2021

Gene-ius Day Program

This program works directly with students to increase student interest in STEM fields and career pathways through their programs.  The Saturday GENE-iuses family-based program began in 2012, offering year-long small-sized laboratory classes, with hands-on experiments and activities that inspire students to discover how science affects everyday life.

Hawaii AgDiscovery Program 31 March 2021

Hawaii AgDiscovery Program

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) program offers the Hawaii AgDiscovery Summer Enrichment Program.  Since 2011 ten (10) high school students live in the UH Manoa dorms for two weeks to explore career and educational opportunities in the fields of plant and animal sciences.  Through interactive modules with professionals in the areas, students gain valuable experiences to find a career they love!

Students Love Citrus and Cabbages! 26 February 2021

Students Love Citrus and Cabbages!

A bountiful harvest and chocolate was the theme of our February Care Package and Cooking Show.  Mahalo to the Urban Garden Center Fruit Hui for the donation of assorted fruits and to GoFarm Hawaii for the beautiful cabbages.  Also, many thanks to Aloha Harvest and Lotus Hawaii for the care packages filled to the brim with rice, peaches, and spam.  Nearly 100 students picked up their February Care Packages and Cooking Show kits on Thursday, February 11.  20 students, faculty, alumni, and friends tuned in on Friday for the Cooking Show led by FSHN Instructor Extraordinare Lara Hackney.  Lara led participants through recipes of spinach salad, spaghetti with marinara sauce, and a molten chocolate cake.  Check out the recording on the CTAHR YouTube Channel.
