Academic and Student Affairs News

8 December 2018

Student Lounge Update

Student Lounge Update

Throughout the last week on instruction and though Finals Week, the CTAHR student lounge "YOU VS. FINALS" event brought in over 250 student visits. "Studying" was cited at the most frequent reason for visiting the lounge, followed by food. Students could be found in the lounge as early as 8 am and as late as 8 pm. Big mahalo goes to the student ambassadors who supervised the lounge and assisted students during those late night study sessions. Also big mahalo goes to TPSS 364 and Dr. Orville Baldos for donating poinsettia to decorate the lounge for the holiday season. We thank all the generous people of CTAHR for dropping off food to the donation boxes located in Gilmore Hall and St John Lab (TPSS).