Academic and Student Affairs News

1 February 2017

12th annual Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day

12th annual Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day

ASAO, in partnership with the Pearl City Urban Garden Center, held it’s 12th annual Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day on Friday, February 10. The entire ASAO staff, including our trio of advisors, dedicated time to get involved and participate in the extension and service component of CTAHR. Approximately 500 5th graders, teachers, and chaperones descended on the Urban Garden Center and were greeted by almost 100 volunteers serving as guides, presenters, and exhibitors affiliated with various state, federal, and UH agencies/ departments. When asked “Did you think AgDay was important?” students responded:

  • “It was important because they show us what our island provides for us.”
  • “I thought that most of what we learned was important because I love the environment and because sustainability is an important concept of academics”
  • “In Ag Day my classmates and I learned about fun facts about butterflies, bees, insects in farms, caterpillars, fruits, pollution, and ways to save animals in Hawaii in the endanger animal list.”
  • “Yes because it is about saving the earth and who does not want to save the earth it is important.”