Summer months are an ideal time to evaluate the academic year that has come to a close and prepare for the new one to come. Advisors have been engaged in identifying innovative ways to enhance communication with current students, as well as supporting the development of an updated retention plan for the college. Although the volume of appointments is typically lower over the summer, advisors were available and eager to meet with new students starting their academic journeys at Manoa in fall 2017, as well as current students attending summer sessions. Since the end of spring 2017 in May, there have been about 300 appointments scheduled over the summer.
Advisors also had the privilege of participating in multiple professional development opportunities which included a Staff Development Workshop sponsored by the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities’ Academic Program Section. There, they were able to network and share best practices with student and academic affairs professionals from other land grant institutions. Last month, advisors also attended UH Manoa Council of Academic Advisor’s Summer Conference. Finally, advisors also have presented at various New Student Orientation sessions throughout the month of August. Advisors are excited for the fall term to start and meet with our returning and new students.
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