Academic and Student Affairs News

31 January 2024

Events for the New Year!

Events for the New Year!

On Friday, February 9, CTAHR and the Coalition to Stop Campus Hunger will be holding their next cooking class.  FSHN Instructor Lara Hackney will demonstrate how to create Quinoa Salad, Ratatouille Tart, and Chocolate Pudding.  Limited free cooking kits are available for CTAHR students.  Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, and Friends are welcome to join.  Please register for recipes and Zoom information.

Save the date!  The CTAHR Conference is coming up on April 11-13, 2024.  As part of the program, the Showcase & Research Symposium will be held on Thursday, April 11, from 4 - 8 PM at Campus Center.  Undergraduate and Graduate students have the option to choose between a poster presentation, 10 minute oral, or a 20 minute oral presentation, and win $6800 in various prizes!  Registration is open until March 1st.  On Friday, April 12, Careers After CTAHR has been added to the program.  This Internship and Job Fair will be held in the Campus Center Ballroom, from 10 am - 2 pm.  Let the CTAHR Student Ambassadors know which organizations you would like to see by completing a brief survey.  Free education tours to will be available on Saturday, April 13!