The return of in-person events meant that after a two year hiatus, the CTAHR student 3 Minute Elevator Pitch (3MEP) Competition was on! This competition follows the spirit of the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)® competition that originated at the University of Queensland, Australia. The session offered an opportunity for students to showcase their innovative and significant research to a wider audience, challenging them to consolidate their ideas and research discoveries so that they could be presented in an informative and concise way. This year the CTAHR student Ambassadors coordinated the event, held on March 19th at the Architecture Building auditorium, with a total of 23 presenters.
The competition was fierce, but in the end the following four students won $1,000 each with the top scores in their category:
Interested in the research? Check out CTAHR's YouTube Channel to view the winner’s presentations.
Congratulations to the winners and all those that worked hard to prepare and present their research.
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