CTAHR ASAO welcomed students back with our January Grab & Go. Students were invited to shop for fresh produce and pantry items. Over 300 pounds of food items were generously donated by the Coalition to Stop Campus Hunger (187.9 lbs.), the Urban Garden Center's Fruit Hui (105.1 lbs), GoFarm Hawaii (54 lbs), and the Student Activity & Program Fee Board. Mahalo to everyone for their support! Our next Grab & Go will be on Thursday, Feburary 11 from 12:30-2:30 PM. Students, don't forget to register!
Our January Cooking Show was one our popular ever, with over 50 participants registered! CTAHR students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members joined in on Zoom to make a Thai Salad, Tofu Eggplant Red Curry, and Pineapple Fried Rice. If you missed us, the recording is available on the CTAHR YouTube Channel. Join us next month for Za'atar Garlic Spinach Pasta, Homemade Garlic Knots, and Red Velvet Lava Cake. Limited free cooking kits are avaialble for CTAHR students! All are welcome to join us on Friday, Februrary 12 at 5 PM on Zoom! Please register.
Our next CareerLaunch is on Thrusday, Feburary 17 at 6 PM with Terminex. Join CTAHR Alumni and Regional Support Manager for Terminix, Steven Russo, to learn more about how you can launch your career with a position at this growing corporation. Please register for the Zoom link.
CTAHR's Alumni and Friends will be hosting an Online Alumni / Student Mixer on Monday, February 21st at 3 PM on Zoom. Join in to win swag and other fun giveaways! Please register for more information.