Academic and Student Affairs News

27 September 2021

Students Stock Up at the CTAHR FoodStack Grab and Go

Students Stock Up at the CTAHR FoodStack Grab and Go

Over a hundred students signed up for the CTAHR FoodStack Grab & Go of fresh fruit, vegetables, canned goods, and pantry items. The event took place at Gilmore Courtyard last Sept. 16th as part of CTAHR’s Welcome Week and followed strict COVID-19 mitigation protocols.

A big mahalo to our following supporters, whose generous donations made this an epic successful event:

  • Urban Garden Center's Fruit Hui (CTAHR Cooperation Extension): papaya, breadfruit, pomelo, citruses, and other fruits

  • Coalition to Stop Campus Hunger (UHM RIO): fresh produce, canned goods, and pantry items

  • CTAHR Sustainable Organic Agriculture Program (SOAP): heirloom tomatoes

  • Aloha Harvest: canned goods, and pantry items

Did you miss this fantastic opportunity for free shopping? No worries, more is to come! CTAHR plans to repeat this event once a month. To stay informed, just continue reading our ASAO weekly newsletter, delivered to your inbox every Monday morning.