TPSS Goes to D.C.

  • 9 August 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7331
TPSS Goes to D.C.
Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences grad students Kauahi Perez, Russell Galanti, Emily Teng, and Peter Toves gave talks and poster presentations at the national meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) held in Washington, D.C. during the summer. Congratulations to Emily, whose poster on anthocyanin analysis of poinsettia, co-authored by Tessie Amore (TPSS) and Jon-Paul Bingham (MBBE), won second place in the graduate student division.


Russell and Kauahi helped recruit new students to CTAHR during the ASHS Recruiter talks. ASHS Fellow Kent Kobayashi gave poster presentations and helped to spread the word about CTAHR’s new Extension agent positions. In addition to presenting scientific papers at ASHS, faculty members Amore, N.V. Hue, James Keach and Susan Miyasaka visited the offices of Sen. Mazie Hirono, as well as meeting with legislative aides of Hawai’i’s other senator and representatives. Pictured from left are Kauahi, Susan, Kent, John Griffis, Russell, Tessie, James, Emily, and Peter.
