Owl Right! 19 June 2020

Owl Right!

On June 30, NREM grad student will discuss endemic, endangered pueo

You may have been lucky enough to see a pueo swooping by at dusk, when these endangered endemic owls like to hunt. But their numbers are declining, and not enough is known about them to help their recovery. Laura Luther, M.S. candidate in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, defends her master’s thesis, “Factors Influencing the Distribution of the Hawaiian Short-eared Owl (Pueo).” 

More Anthurium 15 June 2020

More Anthurium

Master’s thesis project investigates anthurium propagation

What’s better than one elegant, bright, sassy anthurium? Lots of them! But how’s the best way to propagate this iconic Hawai‘i plant? Find out more Friday, June 26, 9:30 a.m. at Jaclyn Nicole Uy’s defense of her MS thesis, “Rapid In Vitro Multiplication of Anthurium Using a Temporary Immersion System (RITA®)” via Zoom.

Runoff and Hawaiʻi Coral 10 June 2020

Runoff and Hawaiʻi Coral

Master’s thesis investigates the human impact on native soft octocoral

How are humans impacting the amazing corals in the ocean with runoff and other stressors? Find out at Anita Tsang’s defense of her master’s thesis proposal, “Using an endemic Hawaiian soft coral, Sarcothelia edmondsoni, as a bioindicator of freshwater input and anthropogenic influence.”

Promising Alzheimer’s Research 5 June 2020

Promising Alzheimer’s Research

Join the MBBE Zoom seminar TODAY at 10:00 a.m.

Find out more about Alzheimer’s disease at a Zoom seminar sponsored by the Department of Molecular Bioscience and Bioengineering today! Dr. Can (Martin) Zhang will present “Therapeutic Development for Alzheimer’s Disease,” on Friday, June 5, at 10 a.m. via Zoom.

Shoot the Weeds 30 March 2020

Shoot the Weeds

Tune in for grad student David Lewis’s seminar on aerial Herbicide Ballistic Technology

Zoom in this Wednesday, April 1, at 3:30 p.m., to find out about efforts to eradicate the invasive weed tree miconia with Herbicide Ballistic Technology. In this latest installment in the Natural Resources & Environmental Management seminar series, NREM grad student David Lewis will discuss “Risk & Resources for Mitigating an Incipient Miconia calvescens Invasion.”


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