Bulletin 84

The classic treatise on taro is newly reprinted

Bulletin 84

Sporting a new cover and artsy photos throughout – but leaving the time-honored text inside completely intact – the classic “Taro Varieties in Hawai?i” is reprinted and available for purchase.

Originally published in 1939 by L.D. Whitney, F.A.I. Bowers, and M. Takahashi, it is available for $15 from UH Press and CTAHR’s Urban Garden Center.

“This classic treatise has lost none of its magic since the original Bulletin No 84 was published eight decades ago,” says Robert Paull of the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences. “More than a fun read, it contains an overview of kalo varieties and agriculture science that is of great practical benefit for growers.”

Other books for sale thru UH Press include:

* Taro Mauka to Makai: A Taro Production and Business Guide for Hawai‘i Growers

* Growing Plants for Hawaiian Lei: 85 Plants for Gardens, Conservation, and Business

* Macadamia Integrated Pest Management: IPM of Insects and Mites Attacking Macadamia Nuts in Hawaii

* Loko Ia: A Manual on Hawaiian Fishpond Restoration and Management

* Invasive Aphids in Hawaii

* Weeds of Hawaii’s Pastures and Natural Areas: An Identification and Management Guide

* Hawaii's College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources: Celebrating the First 100 Years

... And coming soon: ‘Hawaiian Breadfruit: Ethnobotany, Nutrition, and Human Ecology
