Fashion From Afar

FDM professor shares his insights with students 8,642 miles away

Fashion From Afar

With the recent publication of his latest book, Fashion, Dress, and Post-postmodernism, Andy Reilly of the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences caught the attention of instructors at the Lebanese American University.

Andy was invited to provide a guest lecture for the university's new course, Fashion Studies Seminar, and – given the ubiquity of online access, he was able to speak with the students in Beirut, while never leaving Honolulu. For his lecture, “Attention Deficit Fashion:  Post-postmodernism in the Fashion Industry,” he presented his work and discussed the students' own projects. 

“We are leaving postmodernism behind and entering a new phase called post-postmodernism,” Andy told the class. “One of the outcomes of this new condition is rapid turnover of retail stock due to shortened attention spans and an industry desiring to meet the need for constant newness, resulting in micro-trends that disappear in a few weeks and are quickly replaced by something new. And of course, that relates to excess waste.”

The class ended with an invite for Andy to visit the university and its students – in person – when it is safe to travel again. Andy’s also been invited to lecture at Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, Germany.


Go West
