Pride of CTAHR

PEPS and HNFAS students are honored…and paid!

Pride of CTAHR

Two recipients of a prestigious fellowship award are from CTAHR!

The 2020 Founder Region Fellowship, which encompasses Northern California, Hawaiʻi, Guam, the Mariana Islands, and the Republic of Palau, is given to only seven outstanding women doctoral candidates whose area of study improves the lives of women and girls and contributes to the welfare of society. Four of them are from UH Mānoa, including CTAHR’s very own:

  • Solange Saxby, Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences
  • Priscilla Seabourn, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences

The esteemed awards were given by Soroptimist, a global volunteer organization committed to promoting the empowerment of women, through access to education, to achieve economic empowerment and participation in decision-making at all levels in the community.

Solange and Priscilla presented their research findings earlier this year. Each receives $10,000 of unrestricted funds to cover expenses to complete their doctoral degrees. 

“This fellowship has allowed me to continue my education without the burden of financial stress,” says Priscilla. “More importantly, it has enabled me to connect with other highly educated women in diverse fields of study.”

Read the UH News story.

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