Without Peer

Kent Kobayashi is recognized by the American Society for Horticultural Science

Without Peer

Reviewers of journal articles act as gatekeepers, whose responsibility is to ensure that published articles meet rigorous scientific standards and have scientific merit and integrity.

At HortTechnology, a primary publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, the 2020 Outstanding Peer Reviewer Award recognizes an individual whose reviewer skills, expertise in horticulture, and specific areas of research, instruction, and extension are exactly that: outstanding.

This year’s recipient is none other than Kent Kobayashi of the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences.

“I am honored to receive this award from our national horticultural society,” says Kent. “I am grateful to Dr. Richard Criley in our department whose expertise as a reviewer and editor has been a model for me throughout my career. I’m also glad to bring recognition to TPSS, CTAHR, and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.”

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