Steering in the Right Direction

  • 11 April 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 14242
Steering in the Right Direction

Moloka‘i 4-H participant Hokuao Arce was featured in a recent article in the USDA newsletter Farm Service Agency Fencepost

for his successful use of an FSA Youth Loan. Hokuao, whose family has all been involved in 4-H and who hopes to follow in their agricultural footsteps, has used the loan twice to help pay for the award-winning animals he raises and for the feed, equipment, and veterinary care they need. He showed two steers and a hog this past year. One steer was named Grand Champion and sold for more than $10,000, while the other steer and the hog both won fourth place. Hokuao agreed that it was a lot of work raising and showing three animals, but he certainly made a great success of it!
