Extension Growth

The Hawaiʻi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi is recruiting members

Extension Growth

Ever wonder what Extension is up to – across the pond? Want a mechanism to share experiences, ideas, what works and what didn’t, with fellow professionals on the Mainland?

Then consider joining Alpha Omega, the Hawaiʻi chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi. The Extension professional organization recently held its national conference online, and our CTAHR-led chapter was recognized for its achievement in growing membership in recent years.

“Although we were unable to participate in person, the virtual format for the ESP national conference provided an excellent networking venue, as well as educational webinars,” says Jensen Uyeda, who serves as Alpha Omega president.

“ESP is made up of Extension professionals who have exhibited excellence in programming and leadership,” adds Sarah Yuan, chapter vice president. “The organization provides professional development and national networking opportunities, getting to know other Extension colleagues outside of one’s field, opportunities to serve at the regional and national committees, and access to scholarship opportunities to participate at the national conference.”

She adds, “Our Hawaiʻi chapter is currently recruiting CTAHR professionals with at least three years in Extension, so if you receive an invitation letter from the organization, please consider joining!”
