Updates on Building Access

UHM campus moves to partial closure to conserve resources and staff efforts

  • 30 March 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4125
Updates on Building Access

With everyone who can work from home doing so, there’s been a major drop in usage of UH Mānoa campus facilities. Effective Monday, March 30, significant changes affecting access to, and operations of, all UHM upper-campus buildings will be in place. This will reduce the workforce reporting to campus and allow personnel to focus on servicing areas that must remain open to support critical operations.

Exceptions to these conditions will be made on a case-by-case basis to support research and other appropriate on-campus needs, while continuing to protect the health and safety of all employees.

  • In general, all upper campus buildings will be closed and locked until further notice. Occupants with keys will still be able to access the buildings. A notice will be posted on closed buildings.
  • A limited number of buildings, including Gilmore Hall, will remain open. These buildings will only have one entrance accessible during regular business hours (7:45 a.m. to 4:30 pm.). A notice will be posted to indicate which door is operable. For Gilmore, that will be the ground floor entry by the butterfly mural.
  • For buildings still open, only a limited number of restrooms will be open. A notice will be posted on the building to indicate which are open. For Gilmore, restrooms on the 1st, 2nd, and 5th floors will be open.
  • For buildings still open, there will be no trash pick-up in individual offices or other “private” areas like conference and meeting rooms. Trash will continue to be picked up in common areas, such as restrooms and hallways.
  • Air conditioners are still operating as normal, excluding some general classrooms, though schedule changes are coming.
  • Gilmore’s Mailroom will be open M–F, 8 a.m.–noon (excluding holidays). To comply with CDC guidelines on social distancing, only one individual is allowed in the mailroom at a time.
  • For information specific to your building, you can contact your building coordinator.

If you are not able to access a building, you can contact the Work Coordination Center at (808) 956-7134 on weekdays, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. After hours and weekends, contact the UH Manoa Department of Public Safety at (808) 956-6911. For questions, email covid19@hawaii.edu.
