Attend the Faculty Senate Remotely

Agenda includes Dean’s “State of CTAHR” report and discussion about responses to budget cuts

  • 8 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3187
Attend the Faculty Senate Remotely

Join in to the CTAHR Faculty Senate by Zoom on April 27 at 1:00 p.m. Meeting ID: 587 593 3183, password: 127575. You can also use one-tap mobile—find your local number here.

Chair Halina Zaleski will begin by offering an update and introducing new faculty senators. Sarah Yuan (COF) will give the Manoa Faculty Senate report. Then the Instruction, Extension, Research, Personnel, and Elections Committees and the ad hoc Research Advisory Committee will report in.

After these, Dean Comerford will discuss the state of CTAHR.

This will be followed by updates on resolutions previously passed about capstone projects and internships, instructional workload policy, and CTAHR Faculty Senate involvement in college strategic planning. A section on new business will end the session, including the election of SEC and the college’s response to budget cuts.

This is a good chance to learn and make your voice heard, so join in!

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