Support CTAHR’s Small Business Friends
Alumni newsletter offers a handy list of local businesses
“Let's help keep them up and running!” is Jessie Radovich’s rallying cry in CTAHR’s Alumni Connection newsletter. The alumni connection specialist has gathered together information about a number of small businesses and farms, owned and operated by alumni and friends of the college who can use our support now more than ever.
You can find chic, wearable designs by clothing company Fighting Eel (founded by an FDM alumna); CSA produce from Bear Claw Farm (owned by a TPSS and GoFarm alumna); small-batch beer-nerd brews by BeerLab (owned by CTAHR supporters); delectable venison products at Makana Provisions; and so much more! Each of the food and drink companies is offering take out, pick-up or delivery service, in compliance with social-distancing directives.
Learn more or even send in an order!
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