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Crop Knowledge Master

Fungi Genera Starting with "Q" - "T"

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Select a scientific name for more information.

  • Genera starting with "Q"
  • Genera starting with "R"
  • Genera starting with "S"
  • Genera starting with "T"


No entries available for this letter. Please check future updates.


Scientific Name Common Name
Rhizidiocystis ananasi -
Rhizoctonia Primer -
Rhizoctonia solani root rot
Rhizopus stolonifer soft rot of papaya fruit
Scientific Name Common Name
Saccharomyces sp. -
Schizophyllum commune wound rot
Schizothyrium perexiguum -
Sclerotinia Primer -
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum pink rot, white mold, water soft rot...
Sclerotium Primer -
Sclerotium cepivorum white rot
Sclerotium rolfsii southern blight, southern wilt...
Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum symbiotic with scale insects
Septoria apiicola late blight
Septoria bataticola leafspot
Septoria dianthi leafspot
Septoria lactucae leafspot
Septoria lycopersici leafspot
Septoria petroselini leafspot
Septoria salviae-pratensis leafspot
Septoria sp. leafspot
Sphaceloma poinsettiae spot anthracnose
Sphaerobolus stellatus foliar disfiguration
Sphaerotheca pannosa powdery mildew
Sphaerotheca sp. powdery mildew
Spongospora subterranea powdery scab
Sporonema phacidioides leafspot
Stagonospora sacchari leaf scorch
Stemphylium Primer -
Stemphylium botryosum black leaf mold
Stemphylium lycopersici fruit spot of papaya
Stemphylium solani gray leafspot
Stemphylium sp. leafspot
Strumella sacchari -
Scientific Name Common Name
Thielaviopsis Primer -
Thielaviopsis basicola black root
Trichoderma sp. -
Trichoderma viride -
Trichothyrium reptans -
Triscelophorus monosporus -

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