• Ladybug
  • Plumeria
  • Braconid
  • Anthurium
  • Caterpillar
  • Butterfly

Crop Knowledge Master


General Information
Common Name: Carnations
Other Names: -
Group: Ornamentals
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Genus: Dianthus


Insects and Other Pests

Select a highlighted scientific name for more information.

Group Scientific Name Common Name
APHIDS Myzus persicae green peach aphid
BEETLES Otiorhynchus cribricollis cribate weevil
CATERPILLARS Peridroma saucia variegated cutworm
FLIES Delia echinata carnation tip maggot
MITES Steneotarsonemus pallidus cyclamen mite
MITES Siteroptes framinum grass mite
THRIPS Frankliniella occidentalis western flower thrips

Plant Diseases and Pathogens

Select a highlighted scientific name for more information.

Group Scientific Name Common Name
BACTERIA Pseudomonas Primer -
BACTERIA Pseudomonas andropogonis bacterial spot
BACTERIA Pseudomonas caryophylli bacterial wilt
FUNGI Alternaria Primer -
FUNGI Alternaria dianthicola flower bud rot
FUNGI Alternaria sp. -
FUNGI Botrytis Primer -
FUNGI Botrytis cinerea mold, blossom blight, crown and head rot.. .
FUNGI Botrytis sp. blossom blight, leaf blight
FUNGI Fusarium Primer -
FUNGI Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi wilt
FUNGI Fusarium roseum root rot
FUNGI Fusarium sp. -
FUNGI Phytophthora Primer -
FUNGI Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica leafspot
FUNGI Puccinia arenariae rust
FUNGI Pythium Primer -
FUNGI Pythium sp. root rot
FUNGI Rhizoctonia Primer -
FUNGI Rhizoctonia solani root rot
FUNGI Rhizoctonia sp. root rot
FUNGI Schizothyrium perexiguum -
FUNGI Sclerotium Primer -
FUNGI Sclerotium rolfsii southern blight
FUNGI Sclerotium sp. -
FUNGI Septoria dianthi leafspot
FUNGI Uromyces dianthi rust
NEMATODES Criconemoides sp. -
NEMATODES Heterodera trifolii cyst nematode
NEMATODES Meloidogyne Primer -
NEMATODES Meloidogyne sp. root-knot nematode
NEMATODES Paratylenchus sp. pin nematode
NEMATODES Tylenchorhynchus sp. stunt nematode


If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us at:  markwrig@hawaii.edu