• Ladybug
  • Plumeria
  • Braconid
  • Anthurium
  • Caterpillar
  • Butterfly

Crop Knowledge Master



OTHER NAMES: Winter Squash

GROUP: Vegetables
FAMILY: Cucurbitaceae
GENUS: Benincasa

Further Crop Information (N/A)

Insects and Other Pests

Select a highlighted scientific name for more information.

Group Scientific Name Common Name
FRUIT FLIES Bactrocera cucurbitae melon fly
LEAFMINERS Liriomyza sativae vegetable leafminer
LEAFMINERS Liriomyza trifolii crysanthemum leafminer
THRIPS Thrips palmi melon thrips
WHITEFLIES Bemisia argentifolii silverleaf whitefly
WHITEFLIES Bemisia tabaci sweetpotato whitefly
WHITEFLIES Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly

Plant Diseases and Pathogens

Select a highlighted scientific name for more information.

Group Scientific Name Common Name
FUNGI Choanephora cucurbitarum blossom blight, fruit rot
FUNGI Colletotrichum Primer -
FUNGI Colletotrichum orbiculare blossom-end rot
FUNGI Didymella bryoniae gummy stemblight
FUNGI Oidium Primer -
FUNGI Oidium sp. powdery mildew
FUNGI Pseudoperonospora cubensis downy mildew
FUNGI Pythium Primer -
FUNGI Pythium sp. root rot
FUNGI Rhizoctonia Primer -
FUNGI Rhizoctonia sp. root rot
FUNGI Sclerotium Primer -
FUNGI Sclerotium rolfsii southern blight
NEMATODE Pratylenchus elachistus pin nematode
NEMATODE Rotylenchulus reniformis reniform nematode
VIRUS Cucumber mosaic virus -
VIRUS Mosaic virus -
VIRUS Squash mosaic virus -
VIRUS Watermelon mosaic virus-II -


If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us at:  markwrig@hawaii.edu