Papayas and Hope

  • 2 November 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 10298
Papayas and Hope

Extension in Hawai‘i County was able to qualify for a grant to hire two agricultural technicians from among the many workers displaced by the recent eruptions. The new ag techs will work at Waiakea Station planting and cross-pollinating papaya plants to obtain seeds for commercial growers to start rebuilding the decimated papaya industry on that island. The workers can each work for up to 1 year, at 2,080 hours maximum. Pay will be approximately $15 an hour and will include standard benefits such as health insurance and worker’s compensation. Interested individuals need to show their eligibility at the American Job Center and then contact County administrator Susan Miyasaka for an interview. This initiative helps impacted growers in two ways, both by directly hiring and by providing new seed!
