Lyon Summer PAID Internships

The Trail Building Internship Program welcomes CTAHR students and grads

Lyon Summer PAID Internships

Imagine working in a 200-acre public botanical garden, university arboretum, and conservation research site. Now, you can!

Lyon Arboretum is accepting applications for the Lyon Arboretum Summer Internship Program, and we are looking for excited and motivated persons to make up our 2022 intern cohort. Lyon is located in back of beautiful Mānoa Valley, and is part of the University of Hawaiʻi ʻohana.

Our internship program is unique, combining hands-on work with a specific host department and group visits to other departments. This year, we have five participating Lyon departments: Education, Horticulture, Grounds and Collections, the Micropropagation Lab, and the Seed Conservation Lab. For 10 weeks, interns will gain practical experience and develop new skills in beautiful Mānoa. In addition to getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Arboretum, interns will enjoy educational and engaging field trips to other sites. 

What do employers look for? Experience. Internships are a wonderful way to gain hands-on experience to build a strong resume, and summer internships are perfect for exploring potential career pathways. Past cohorts of interns have also enjoyed the connections they make with others who are working or interested in their chosen field.

Interested? Find out more at Lyon Summer Internships. Questions? Contact Raedelle Van Fossen at raedelle@hawaii.edu. Applications are due March 2, so don't delay! 

BTW, I was a Lyon Arboretum Summer Intern! The practical experience I gained really made my resume stand out and helped me land my dream job!

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