Current Year's Articles
If doing taxes is a piece of cake for you, then stop reading now. But for the rest of us, who cringe at the thought of preparing our own Agribusiness General Excise taxes, Schedule F and other forms of sole proprietorship or partnership, help is on the way.
GoFarm Hawaiʻi, through a collaboration with The Kohala Center and the City & County of Honolulu Coronavirus Relief Fund administered by the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, will be offering two free online sessions on “Navigating Agribusiness Taxes in Hawaiʻi,” presented by Ann Chiodini, CPA.
The sessions include tips on how to keep records so you can easily access the specific information you need for your type of Agribusiness entity’s income tax filing.
Advanced registration is required. Find the registration link on the GoFarm Hawaiʻi homepage.
“This is a great opportunity to learn how to properly prepare your Agribusiness taxes before upcoming deadlines, and learn tax fundamentals from a CPA,” says Erik Shimizu of GoFarm Hawaiʻi’s AgBusiness Program. “Prepping for your taxes now will help you avoid headaches in April.”
All Articles (2018– )