On Their Turf
Zhiqiang Cheng (PEPS) and Norman Nagata (TPSS, Maui CES) organized the 2018 Maui Turfgrass and Landscape Pest Management Workshop at CTAHR Maui Extension Office on December 13. In one seminar, Z. Cheng presented research updates on several important turfgrass and golf course pests in Hawai‘i, including frit fly, take-all patch, mini ring, and rover ant. In another seminar, he discussed research-based management approaches to several key landscape pests in Hawai‘i, including coconut rhinoceros beetle, lobate lac scale, and Ficus stem and leaf gall wasps. About 20 golf course managers/staff, certified arborists, landscapers, plant nursery owners, HDOA staff, and chemical distributors attended the workshop. Many of them earned CEUs for HDOA Pesticide Applicator, Landscape Industry Certified Technician, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, or International Society of Arboriculture. This workshop was partially sponsored by a sub-award to the two organizers from the Maui County Office of Economic Development, through CTAHR’s Maui Extension Office.
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