Who’s Outstanding?

  • 11 January 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6913
Who’s Outstanding?

Celebrate the college’s many exceptional graduates by nominating a graduate whose contributions have made the college, state, and world a better place! The person selected for CTAHR’s 2019 Outstanding Alumnus/Alumna Award will be recognized at CTAHR’s Annual Award Banquet in May. She or he will join the ranks of such illustrious previous recipients as breadfruit expert Diane Ragone (2015, pictured), ag economist and professor emeritus PingSun Leung (2011), former interim dean Sylvia Yuen (2010), termite expert Nan-Yao Su (2007), KTA Super Stores VP Derek Kurisu (2002), and celebrated ethnobotanist Beatrice Krauss (1996). Nominations should be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs, attention: Lydia Gerakas, at 956-6997 or at acadaff@ctahr.hawaii.edu. Required documents for nominations are a letter of recommendation (up to 2 pages), at least 2 letters of support, and the nominee’s CV or resume. If you have any questions or need additional information, you can contact Lydia. The deadline to submit nominations is February 1.

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