Growing Giants

  • 10 May 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 12957
Growing Giants
Despite the earthquakes and volcanic activity, over 30 interested growers, including 4-H families, local schools, and others, showed up at the Komohana Extension Office or participated online in the first-ever Giant Fruit & Vegetable Seminar on May 5th. The seminar was provided for contestants who are planning to enter the 2018 Hawaii 4-H Giant Fruit & Vegetable Contest. Mainland “giant” growers from Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan, including Cecil Weston (pictured) served as the panel of experts, revealing their secrets for growing record-sized giant pumpkins, giant sunflowers, giant tomatoes, giant watermelons, and more! Discussions included topics like soil management, handling pests and diseases, and proper watering. To follow this year’s contest and the growth of the giants, be sure to visit the East Hawaii 4-H & Hawaii County 4-H Livestock Facebook page!