Partners for a Better World

CTSA director reflects on Earth Day during a pandemic

  • 22 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4137
Partners for a Better World

Cheng-Sheng Lee, executive director of the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture, sent a special Earth Day edition of the CTSA’s Regional e-Notes, reflecting on an Earth Day unlike any that has come before.

This month’s newsletter offers resources to help farmers and aquaculture producers impacted by the current situation and looks at how the pandemic is impacting food security, conservation, aquaculture, and the future of sustainable food production.

“Partnership is and will remain a cornerstone of creating a better ‘new normal.’ I am a champion for partnership,” Cheng-Sheng says in his Letter from the Director. “This Earth Day, I really want to encourage us all to reflect on how we can work together to create the life and planet that we want.”

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