Keep Your Ginger Healthy

Learn how in an April 23 webinar

  • 14 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 9457
Keep Your Ginger Healthy

In Hawai‘i, bacterial wilt disease is the primary limiting factor in the production of edible ginger (Zingiber officinale). Since ginger is grown from a piece of the parent plant rather than from seed, it’s important to use clean planting material and maintain good cultural practices to prevent this problematic disease.

Want to learn how? A new CTAHR webinar will cover the background of ginger production and bacterial wilt disease in Hawai‘i. It will describe how to multiply bacterial wilt-free ginger in pots: selecting, testing, and preparing planting material; cultural practices to prevent bacterial wilt; and fertilizer considerations. It will also present the results of a trial recently conducted on organic ginger fertilizers.

Zoom in Thursday, April 23, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Register here, and the link and password will be sent after registering.

Speakers will be Sharon Motomura Wages of Hawai‘i County Extenson (pictured left), Kiersten Akahoshi of Hawai‘i Island DHHL Extension, Kylie Tavares of Maui County Extension (pictured right), and Joshua Silva and Jensen Uyeda of O‘ahu County Extension. Questions? Contact Kylie at kylielw@hawaii.edu.
