Paper of Distinction

FDM profs recognized at int’l conference

Paper of Distinction

by Kaylee Cordeiro

Fashion Design & Merchandising’s costume display put the “muse” in museum. Professors Ju-Young Kang and Shu Hwa Lin from the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences highlighted a “hidden treasure” – as described by the Hawai’i State Legislature – and won this year’s Paper of Distinction award for the culture track. Their award-winning paper was titled, “3D Virtual Technology in Costume Museum Exhibition: Qing Dynasty.”

The award is a hat trick for Ju-Young, who also won ITAA awards in 2014 and 2017. Shu Hwa also won previously in 2020.

For this year’s International Textile and Apparel Association conference, the objective was to create a digital costume museum platform that incorporated 3D virtual technology. The paper was centered on the array of authentic costumes from the museum, which is one of the largest historical and ethnographic costume and textile collections in Hawaiʻi. Moreover, Ju-Young said they “will continue to develop a 3D platform for diverse collections of UH costume museum.”

Their paper was more than an entry in a competition, it was the beginning of a new era for the UH costume museum.

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