Life Hacks for Lockdown

New info and resources on produce delivery, managing food waste, wearing masks, and more

  • 20 May 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4071
Life Hacks for Lockdown

The CTAHR Emergency Response COVID resource page has been keeping up with new resources as the pandemic evolves. Recent additions include new CTAHR Emergency Response Sheets on the following topics:

  • At-Home Food Safety - Due to COVID-19, families are cooking at home more often. Practicing proper food safety at home can protect your family’s health by preventing foodborne illnesses.
  • CSAs in Hawai‘i - As consumers limit trips to stores and restaurants due to COVID-19, CSAs have gained popularity as a direct source of local produce and food products.
  • Cloth Face Masks - As the Islands adjust to the ongoing pandemic, wearing face masks in public is rapidly becoming the new normal. Here’s what you should know…
  • Data and Information Literacy - Learn how to locate and better understand information or data available on the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Food Waste Prevention - Preventing food waste at home can reduce the need for grocery store visits and help families save money by buying less food.
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