CTAHR Fiscal sent out a friendly reminder that all invoices and payment requests for any outstanding Kuali and RCUH purchase orders (especially for goods and services already received) are due today, May 29.
The deadline for Fiscal to send the UH Kuali Financial System invoices to UH Disbursing is coming up very soon, so don’t delay. If you receive any invoices soon after the deadlines passes, please continue to send them to Fiscal, just in case UH Disbursing is caught up and able to process them in this current fiscal year.
Items due to CTAHR Fiscal (Gilmore 209) today include the following:
- DV’s for non-utility and other payments (for goods/services received to date); continue all utilities payments as usual.
- Any payment request and invoices for all current purchase orders in both KFS and RCUH.
Any questions? Contact Kariann at ireik@ctahr.hawaii.edu