
Extension mini-conference is set for Oct. 15


The coffee berry borer has spread to Kauaʻi, a new “trap-jaw” nuisance ant species and pest snail have arrived, and invasive sugar-feeding ants and subterranean termites need managing.

Who you gonna call? How about an Invasive Pest Mini-Conference?

Kauaʻi Extension has scheduled the one-day, virtual meeting for Thursday, Oct. 15, 1:00-2:40 pm, with speakers from the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council, HDOA, Bishop Museum, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, and Maui Extension.

The main objective is to bring together stakeholders in invasive pest management and discuss current invasive pest issues in Hawaiʻi. Besides presentations, attendees will have a chance to discuss recent detections, pest alerts, eradication efforts and research updates.

Please pre-register for this free event. For questions, contact Roshan Manandhar at roshanm@hawaii.edu or (808) 274-3477.

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