Starting from Seed

HDFS launches Ag videos for homeschooled keiki

Starting from Seed

Adapting to the pandemic is tough all around, but especially for frustrated parents trying to homeschool their children through the crisis.

In the fast-growing pantheon of online lessons, here’s a cool new one from the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences’ Human Development and Family Studies program: a Homeschool Edition of the HDFS’ Home Garden Network.

The videos take viewers on a 10-lesson journey, starting from seed. They use activities – conducted by the parents – that teach and demonstrate to their keiki the basic concept and understanding of seeds. And because most parents need simple guidance in teaching their kids, HDFS interns Tiana Brennan and Jarett Shiu have incorporated helpful print and online tools aimed at adults.

"HDFS faculty Lynn Yamashita has worked tirelessly to locate intern placement, and our interns have been so helpful, competent, and passionate in our home gardening activities,” says assistant professor Sothy Eng. “I am so fortunate to be able to work with and learn from the interns, their strengths and expertise in family and community development in Hawaiʻi."    

The Home Garden Network started in Fall 2018 with one network of four families in Kailua, Manoa, Waikiki, and Ewa Beach, and has expanded to Makiki, St Louis Heights, and Kailua. It was developed in response to common issues most Hawaiʻi families experience: lack of time, lack of knowledge and skills, lack of inspiration to get an edible home garden started.

HGN relies on its network of families to develop edible home gardens and enjoy their own fresh, green plants. Through gardening activities, the participating families are growing, learning, and healing together. For more info, visit Eat Your Own Plants.

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