Requirements of M.S. Degree: Plan A
In addition to the Primary Master's Core, a set of electives and thesis credits are required for a total of 30 credits. Electives provide background in research methods and depth in the student’s area of specialization. The remaining credit requirements will be met with thesis credits (NREM 700) for conducting the research project. Once the thesis topic is finalized, a research proposal must be approved by the committee. An oral defense of the proposal in front of the thesis committee is also required for final approval of the thesis topic. A public thesis defense is also required, and an announcement with thesis abstract, defense date, and location must be sent to the graduate program chair, departmental secretary, and Graduate Division at least 2 weeks in advance.
For additional information on applying, refer to NREM Graduate Page

Primary Master's Core (9 Cr)
- NREM 600 Evaluation of Natural Resources Management (4)
- NREM 601 Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Management (4)
- NREM 701 Research Seminar in NREM (1)
Electives (15 Cr)
- Course in research methods (3); 400-level or above
- NREM graduate courses (6); 500-level or above
- Other graduate courses for specialization from within or outside of NREM (6); all 6 credits can be satisfied by 400-level course credits – however, this reduces to 3 credits if a 400-level course(s) is taken to fulfill the research methods requirement.
Thesis Option (6 Cr)
* For additional course applicability criteria, refer to:
For more information please refer to the Graduate Student Guide on NREM Graduate page.
M.S. Plan A forms
Please find all forms at the link below:
Form IIA