Cooperating and Affiliate Graduate Faculty

Faculty who can advise students do not include Emeritus faculty, Junior researchers, and Agents. Cooperating and Affiliate faculty can only advise students as a co-advisor along with an NREM graduate faculty member.


Cooperating Graduate Faculty

L. Bremer, PhD (UHERO)—Ecosystem services, social-ecological systems, watershed management and conservation, land-use change, water resources

K. Burnett, PhD (UHERO)—Invasive species assessment and management

J. Deenik, PhD (TPSS)—Soil quality and fertility

J. DeFrank, PhD (TPSS)—Herbicide management

A. El-Kadi, PhD (G&G/CEE)—Groundwater hydrology

T. Giambelluca, PhD (GEOG)—Climatology, hydrology

S. Honarvar, PhD (Botany PCSU)—Wildlife management

N. V. Hue, PhD (TPSS)—Organic cycling

Q. Li, PhD (MBBE)—Environmental chemistry

Y. Li, PhD (UH Hilo)—Forest ecosystem management

N. Lincoln, PhD (TPSS)—Indigenous Crops and Cropping Systems

A. Mawyer, PhD (PACS)—Anthropology

T. Maaz (TPSS)—Soil fertility and land management

A. Miles, PhD (UH West)— Sustainable Community Food Systems

C. E. Nelson, PhD (OCEAN/SG) — Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

T. Radovich, PhD (TPSS)—Organic and Sustainable farming

A. Sherwood, Ph.D. (School of Life Sciences) - Phycology, marine and freshwater algal flora and diversity

H. Valenzuela, PhD (TPSS)—Vegetation physiology and management

K. Winter, PhD (SOEST)—Hawaiian ethno-botany, native ecosystem restoration, ahupuaa models, and integrated mauka to makai local level resource management


Affiliate NREM Graduate Faculty

G. Bruland, PhD (Principia College)—Soil, Water Conservation, Wetland Ecology, and Watershed Management

K. Carlson, PhD (New York University)—Land Systems Science

L. Crampton, PhD (DOFAW, DLNR)—Wildlife Management

J. Fox, PhD (East-West Center)—Social forestry

A. Friedlander, PhD (USGS CRU)—Fisheries ecology

C. Giardina, PhD (IPIF - USDA-FS)—Forest ecology

S. Gon , PhD (University of California, Davis)—Native ecosystem management, history of landscape
change, biocultural approaches

T. Grabowski, PhD (UH Hilo)—Fisheries ecology

S. Gray, PhD (MSU)—Participatory modeling

S. Hess, PhD (USGS)—Wildlife management

D. Jacobs (Purdue Univ.)—Tree Physiology 

P. James, PhD (Dept. of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK)—Small-scale fisheries, survey design and implementation, marine protected areas

D. Kleiber, PhD (NOAA)—Equity approaches to fisheries and marine conservation

J. Leary, PhD (University of Florida) —Invasive weeds

K. Leong, PhD (NOAA)— Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management

J. Lynch, PhD (National Institute of Standards & Technology, Hollings Marine Laboratory)—Marine environmental science

R. Mackenzie, PhD (USDA Forest Service)—Aquatic ecology

H. McMillen, PhD (US Forest Service, Northern Research Station)—Community-based natural resource management

L. Nietmann, PhD (University of Washington)—Wildbird recovery, conservation, community

M. Pan, PhD (NOAA Fisheries)—Fishery economics

S. Pooley, PhD (NMFS)—Marine resource economics

C. Ray, PhD (U of Nebraska-Lincoln)—ground water hydrology and chemistry

R. Ryals (UC Merced)—Soil Health

M. Satdichanh, PhD (Center for Mountain Futures and Kunming Institute of Botany)—Tropical
biodiversity, plant ecology, ethnobotany, land use change

D. Spatz (Pacific Rim Conservation)—Seabird conservation, Invasive species, Data science

A. Strauch, PhD (Commission on Water Resource Management, State Dept. of Land & Natural Resources)—Watershed hydrology

A. Vorsino, PhD (US Fish and Wildlife Service)—Climate Change and Species Distribution

M. Weijerman, PhD (NOAA)—Fisheries

S. Wongbusarakum, PhD (FAME)—Coastal fisheries

L. Young (Pacific Rim Conservation)—Seabird conservation

Graduate Chair

Dr. Susan Crow
Office: Sherman 132
Phone: (808) 956-8149
Fax: (808) 956-6539

Graduate Committee

Dr. Susan Crow

Dr. Catherine Chan

Dr. Yin-Phan Tsang