Prepared Youth

  • 17 May 2017
  • Author: OCS
  • Number of views: 16098
Prepared Youth

5/17/2017  Source: Office of Communication Services, CTAHR


Three 4-H agents were among the eight adult instructors who completed a comprehensive certification and training workshop for the Hawaii Youth Preparedness Initiative, or MyPI Hawaii program last month on Maui. Hawai‘i is the second state to undergo training under the national project pilot, developed at Mississippi State University. 4-H agent Nancy Ooki will be the MyPI Hawaii State Program Coordinator. Over the next two years, MyPI Hawaii will be offering an innovative youth-preparedness program to approximately 125 teens across the state in which trained adults instruct teenagers to complete the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency-certified Teen CERT training, including CPR and AED usage. They will also learn to use ham radio, NOAA weather radio, and smart phone apps and social media for emergency preparedness. The teens then undertake a family and community service project in which each they help to develop emergency supply kits and emergency communication plans for their family, as well as for additional families or households. Nancy says, “The applied knowledge, community service, and leadership components make it an excellent connection to the 4-H program. I am excited to share this with Maui County youth and across the state of Hawaii.” 4-H agents Becky Settlage and Laura Kawamura will also offer the training on the Big Island and Kaua‘i.        
