by Shannon Takahashi
Hawaiʻi is home to the ʻoʻopu nākea, a freshwater goby that exhibits an amphidromous life history, meaning the adults mate in freshwater and lay their eggs near stream mounts. Once the larvae hatch, they swim to the ocean and stay there for a few months before migrating back upstream to freshwater, where they will complete their adult lives.
Want to learn more about conservation efforts for this culturally significant, endemic to Hawaiʻi, fish? Join Cody Ching next Tuesday, April 26, at 9:00 a.m. as she defends her thesis, “Examining the Migratory Abilities of ‘O’opu Nākea” for the Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
Cody’s research highlights the importance of maintaining upstream and downstream connectivity to the ocean and healthy estuaries for the conservation of this and other native freshwater amphidromous species. Her ʻoʻopu nākea life history will contribute to the global knowledge of amphidromous fish species to better inform management and conservation practices to increase populations worldwide.
“I am excited to present my research that will benefit Hawaiʻi’s native freshwater species by helping create more effective conservation and management strategies, and I am excited to help raise awareness about Hawaiʻi’s native freshwater species to inspire others to help these fascinating, waterfall climbing fish.”
She adds, “A huge shout out to my labmates and advisors Shaya Honarvar and Yinphan Tsang.”
Questions? Contact Cody at