Like Talking Science?

RU a nutrition, biochemistry, or biology grad student? Then join the Journal Club!

Like Talking Science?

CTAHR’s Graduate Student Organization is forming a Journal Club for nutrition, biochemistry, and biology sciences – and the club is open to all UH graduate students who have an interest in conversing about recent and critical journal articles.

The self-organizing group of students will discuss current and novel journal articles in biochemistry, biology, physiology, nutrition sciences, and related fields. The students will choose articles relevant to their interests or courses of study, and will participate in critical review in a collaborative style. 

“This is a great opportunity for CTAHR students to hone their critical reasoning skills and practice scientific writing, and conversation,” say Sydney Lofquist and Leah Kaplan. “It’s great practice for evaluating scholarly journal articles, practice for thesis defense, and career preparation. It also provides us with a chance to meet fellow science graduate students and those interested in science-related topics.”

They add, “Although this is an academic club, we hope to create a relaxing atmosphere in which our fellow grad students can get to know each other and bond over the experience and challenges of graduate school. I also want to note, this club is not through the GSO. We are just students in the HNFAS department within the CTAHR department who want to organize a journal club. Please join us!”

For more info, contact Sydney at lofquist@hawaii.edu.

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