What an Impact!

  • 7 February 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 11437
What an Impact!

The latest CTAHR Impact Report, focusing on positive community impacts on the island of Kaua‘i, is now up on the college’s website. This issue pays tribute to outstanding faculty, staff, volunteers, and projects on the Garden Isle, ranging from invasive pest monitoring by Roshan Manandhar to outreach to Thai farmers in their own language by Emilie Kirk, from the Kaua‘i Master Gardeners’ collaboration with the Surfrider Foundation to create ocean-friendly gardens to Savannah Katulski’s (pictured) small ruminant program—that would be goats and sheep, for those who don’t know. Find out about how these initiatives are making life better for Kaua‘i and the whole state!

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