Ticket sales for the 57th UHM Fashion Show are now open
Fashion Design and Merchandising 430 will present “Supersonic, ” the 57th UHM Fashion Show, on Sunday, April 30, at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center.
“We have limited seats, so purchase your tickets today!” says student Cara Yoshimi and Fashion Show lead. “This year, we are excited to feature collections completed by 12 Junior design students and nine Senior design students. This year’s show has the largest graduating class in FDM’s recent history!”
· Executive seating is $60.00, *Preferred seating and pupus are included.
· General seating is $35.00,
[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] Kathleen Marie Vickers